About General Surgery Clerkships
The General Surgery Core Clerkship for third year Stanford medical students is intended to provide students with a basic overview of surgery and its specialties. Emphasis is placed on teaching students to recognize and manage basic clinical problems and offers an opportunity for students to integrate their knowledge of anatomy, physiology and physical diagnosis into a treatment plan for patients with surgical diseases. The students function as active members of a surgical team evaluating and treating these patients. The General Surgery Core Clerkship is offered at Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Santa Clara and provides experience with patients who have various disease entities and who are usually evaluated and treated by general surgeons and subspecialty surgeons. Basic surgical skills are taught in the operating room, in the emergency department setting, and in weekly sessions in the Goodman Surgical Education Center.
The advanced surgery clerkship (sub-internships) are offered by the Division of General Surgery to both Stanford and visiting medical students in their fourth year of medical school who are interested in a more intense surgical experience and a possible career in surgery. These clerkships allows medical students to work with, gain experience, and learn from faculty at Stanford and affiliated hospitals.
For more information you can visit the University's Clerkship Site. For a list of all Clerkships in the Department of Surgery, click here.
We look forward to meeting you!
Our Programs
Robert Strachan
Medical Student Education Administrator
(650) 724-2241