Pre-Medical and Medical Education in General Pediatrics
Pre-Medical Education
General Pediatrics faculty direct courses that expose Stanford undergraduate students to a fuller understanding of the social determinants of child health, life-course perspectives in health, health policy and health systems reform, health promotion, public health and global health.
HumBio 120: “Health Care in America: An Introduction to US Health Policy”
HumBio 122: “Beyond Health Care: Seeking Health in Society”
HumBio 122S: “Social Class, Race, Ethnicity and Health”
HumBio 122M: “Health Challenges of Human Migration”
HumBio 129S: “Global Public Health”
Peds 250: “Social and Environmental Determinants of Health”
Peds 260: “Best Practice in Delivering Health Care to Diverse Populations”
Medical Education
General Pediatrics faculty have leadership roles in the Medical School, including serving as directors of Cores Clerkships in Pediatrics and the Scholarly Concentration in Community Health.