Translational Genomics of Diabetes Lab

The group is now based in the Division of Endocrinology in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University after a very successful 16 years based jointly at the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford, UK.

We aim to understand the genetic basis of diabetes and related metabolic conditions and to use this to leverage a better understanding of what causes diabetes and how we can improve treatment options for patients. Our work is predominantly focused on understanding what causes pancreatic islets to release insufficient insulin to control blood glucose levels after a meal in patients with type 2 diabetes, but often extends to efforts to relate this to metabolic dysfunction in other relevant tissues such as fat and liver.

Learn more about the Translational Genomics of Diabetes team and our research in our new Movie

Mission Statement

Our mission is to improve understanding of pancreatic islet cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes using human genetics as a tool to uncover causal disease mechanisms and shed light on potential targets for therapeutic development.

Lab Moto

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