Diversity, Equity, and Wellness
We are committed to creating a diverse workforce and a nurturing work culture.
Our Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology strongly values diversity of identities, experiences, and perspectives.
We are proud that the faculty, staff and trainees in our diverse and vibrant community come from all around the world. We are committed to continuing our tradition of recruiting a diverse workforce, thus creating an enriching learning environment for our trainees and a welcoming space for our patients.
We are also equally committed to creating a healthy work culture by holistically promoting the wellness of our faculty and staff.
Dr. Nielsen Fernandez-Becker
Vice Chief
Diversity, Equity, and Wellness
Our Division in Numbers
Our commitment to a diverse workforce is reflected in our numbers. Check out how the gender and racial/ethnic diversity among Stanford GI faculty and fellows compares to the national average.
By Race
By Sex
Resources at Stanford
Check out the various resources available at Stanford University to foster diversity, equity and wellness.
Uri Ladabaum, MD, MS: Life After May 25
May 25 is my birthday. May 25 was George Floyd's death day.
The choice of verb tenses is deliberate. I am alive—and I hope, and statistically can expect, to have future birthdays. George Floyd is dead. Murdered.
Elite gastroenterologist’s path to being a champion of diversity
In the 2000s, Eric Sibley, MD, PhD, professor of pediatric gastroenterology, was among the elite in academic medicine. He was also one of the few African Americans on a U.S. medical school faculty. He didn't yet know that he would become a member of yet another minority, the estimated 2% to 10% of practicing physicians with a disability.