Celiac Disease Program
A Message from the Celiac Medical Director
"As the medical director of our Celiac Disease program, I am committed to bringing innovative, cutting-edge, personalized care to children with celiac disease. I have dedicated my career to advancing care for children with celiac disease. I have helped advance minimally-invasive care options and spearheaded making national nutritional information readily available so families like yours can make informed, healthy diet decisions."
Hilary Jericho, MD, MSCI
Our Celiac Disease Care Team is comprised of a group of pediatric gastroenterologists and other health care specialists focused on delivering excellent care to children with Celiac Disease.
Our goal is to provide expertise in the diagnosis and management of celiac disease guided by the best available scientific evidence.
Celiac Disease College Scholarship Opportunity
Click here if you wish to register for a Zoom info session on the Schar USA Celiac Disease College Scholarship
This is a program designed for the celiac disease community and geared towards students (and their parents) who are looking at colleges or currently enrolled in a University. The program will be held via Zoom on Thursday May 18th at 8pm EST as part of Celiac Awareness Month. The summit is sponsored by Schar USA and all students who attend will be invited to apply for two scholarships to support their college funding. The SSCD College Summit is a highly interactive program. After a short didactic presentation, attendees will be split into six working groups where they will be presented with challenges that arise in the college setting and work together to come up with solutions. At the end of the program, all attendees will receive a link to apply for two $1,500 scholarships.
*Stanford University and Stanford Medicine are not affiliated with or endorsed by Schar. This is a public service announement of a scholarship opportunity.
For Patients and Their Families
Our team of pediatric Celiac experts provides your child with expert care, from initial testing and diagnosis through long term disease management.
Our multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurse practitioners, psychologists, social workers, registered dieticians, and nurse educators work collaboratively to address all of the facets of life that may be impacted by celiac disease. Our team is dedicated to holistic and family-centered care, supporting children manage celiac disease and thrive in all domains of life.
Our team has a strong relationship with our adult GI colleagues, allowing for a smooth transition of care as your child advances into adulthood.