Make A Gift

To ensure that your gift is directed to support Stanford PM&R training we provided you with the following specific instructions:

Step 1:

Visit Stanford Medicine Make a Gift.

The site is accessible by clicking the "Make your gift" button at the end of these instructions.

Step 2:

Once at the Stanford Medicine Make a Gift page, scroll down and select

"Make a one-time gift" - or - "Make a recurring gift":

Step 3:

Under "Your Gift," then "Direct your gift," please select Stanford Medicine from the drop down menu. 

From the 2nd drop down menu, please select Other Stanford Designation:

Step 4:

Next, under "Other," please type, or copy and paste:

Deptartment of Orthopaedic Surgery/PM&R Training Fund

Step 5:

Lastly, please enter your gift amount, contact information, your gift specifications, and payment information.

Once completed, please click "Make your gift" to submit: 

For any questions, please contact Erin Hart:

Erin Hart
Residency Coordinator
Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation
430 Broadway Street, Pavilion C
Redwood City, CA, 94063

The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation are honored to serve the patient community and grately appreciate your generous gift.