Students' Posters
PDF's for some of the posters are also available by clicking on the poster title.
(In alphabetical order by student's first name)
Adrienne Rose Johnson (Modern Thought and Literature, PhD, 2015)
Health and the Humanities: Diet Advice and Traditions of American Perfectibility
Adrienne Pollack (Earth Systems, 2016)
Biotechnology: A Case for Investment in Alternative Staple Crops
Asha Brundage-Moore (Human Biology, 2015)
Expanding kids’ vegetable preferences through farm‐based education
Corey Radis (Earth Systems, 2014 and Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2015)
Using Searsville Reservoir Sediment as Agricultural Soil
Jenna Kim (Wellness Advisor, BeWell and Health Improvement Program)
Impact of the Dining Ambassador Program on Undergraduate Students
Jennifer Hartle, PhD (Postdoctoral Researcher, SPRC, School of Medicine)
Probabilistic Modeling of Potential Bisphenol-A (BPA) Exposure in School Meals
Jessica Ferrell (Health 4 All)
Evaluation and Development of School Gardens Across Palo Alto Unified School District
Julia Daniel, undeclared, 2017,
The Effects of Coal-Based Anthropogenic Pollution on Agricultural Soils in Jianghan Plain, China
Katie M. Murphy (Chemistry, 2015)
Cell Wall Histochemistry of Maize Anthers
Kelsey Pian (Undeclared, 2017)
Map-Based Cloning of a Male Sterile Mutant Gene, csmd1, in Maize
Kevin Madrigal
Understanding Food Environment in Families Participating in Garden Education
Laura Conigliaro (International Relations, 2015)
The Policy Process of Genetically Modified Organisms in the European Union
Laurie Rumker (Human Biology, 2015)
Stability and Resilience in the Human Microbiome: Response of Gut Microbiota to Colonic Lavage
Lazara Ramos (Earth Systems: Sustainable Food & Agriculture, 2015)
Environmental Education & Behavior in Bay Area Farmers' Markets
Nicole Follman (Anthropology, 2015)
Agricultural Transitions in the Heartland: The Next Generation of Iowa Farmers
Nicole Giron (Human Biology, 2016)
Mt. Diablo High School
Sustainable Hospitality Pathway - Model Program