Arrillaga Alumni Center, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
     Target Audience: Stanford researchers/scholars and community food activists 
     (as well as foundations and government representatives)

Memorial Auditorium, 7:00 - 9:00 pm: An Evening with John Robbins
"Food Revolution 2012"
Followed by a panel discussion of experts on: "Farm Bill, or Food Bill?"
     Target Audience: General Public

This year’s third Stanford Food Summit will build on the first two summits of 2010 and 2011. The first Food Summit event had the objective of determining the breadth and depth of interest in Food issues across the 7 schools of the University (Medicine, Earth Sciences, Business, Humanities & Sciences, Law, Education, and Engineering). The target audience was primarily academics. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with all seven schools represented.

The second Food Summit opened up the target audience to include community-based food groups/organizations, and resulted in sufficient fund raising to initiate three pilot collaborative projects in the areas of Hospital Food, Food Bank Food, and Farm to School Food. These projects as well as presentations related to Food Policy will be featured at this year’s Summit. The objective is to continue to develop further links between Stanford resources and community food groups. 

The 2012 summit will provide a forum for focusing on Healthy Food Systems – Collaboration in ActionFood Summit 3 will feature two separate events, a Day Program (speakers, a showcase of community organizations and scholarly student food projects); and an evening Public Forum at Memorial Auditorium featuring keynote speaker John Robbins followed by a panel of experts discussing the Farm Bill.


Target audience: Stanford researchers/scholars, community food activists, foundations, and government representatives.

Food Summit 3 Day Program:

To register for the day program, please fill out this onlineregistration form

Space limited to 400 seats

Target audience: General public.

Public Forum:
John Robbins - Food Revolution 2012

to be followed by a panel of experts discussing concerns and opportunities regarding the current renewal of the Farm Bill: 
Farm Bill or Food Bill?

To register for the Public Forum, please fill out this onlineregistration form.

Space limited to 1,700 seats.