OFDD Faculty Research Partnerships
OFDD partners with faculty to answer research questions related to Faculty Development and Diversity. To collaborate on a project, contact OFDD.
Past research projects include:
(Click below to expand)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academic Medicine
Disability Identity Among Diverse Learners and Employees at an Academic Medical Center
JAMA network open. Jerome, B., Fassiotto, M., Altamirano, J., Sutha, K., Maldonado, Y., Poullos, P. 2022; 5 (11): e2241948.
Assessment of Bias in Patient Safety Reporting Systems Categorized by Physician Gender, Race and Ethnicity, and Faculty Rank: A Qualitative Study
JAMA network open. Burton, E., Flores, B., Jerome, B., Baiocchi, M., Min, Y., Maldonado, Y. A., Fassiotto, M. 2022; 5 (5): e2213234
The effect of a relationship-centered communication program on patient experience and provider wellness
Patient education and counseling. Altamirano, J., Kline, M., Schwartz, R., Fassiotto, M., Maldonado, Y., Weimer-Elder, B. 2021
Work-Life Fit
An Integrated Career Coaching and Time Banking System Promoting Flexibility, Wellness, and Success: A Pilot Program at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Academic Medicine. 2018. Fassiotto, Simard, Sandborg et al.
Pulled in Too Many Directions: The Causes and Consequences of Work-Work Conflict.
Sociological Perspectives. 2018. Wynn, Fassiotto, Simard et al.
Resident Perspectives on Work-Life Policies and Implications for Burnout.
Academic Psychiatry. 2017. Westercamp, Wang, Fassiotto.
Faculty Professional Development
The Need to Mitigate Unconscious Bias to Improve Sponsorship Opportunities for Underrepresented Faculty in Academic Radiology
AJR. Jerome, B., Fassiotto, M., Kothary, N. 2021
Using the Rank Equity Index to Measure Emergency Medicine Faculty Rank Progression. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Hobgood, C., Fassiotto, M. 2021
Burnout, Depression, Career Satisfaction, and Work-Life Integration by Physician Race/Ethnicity
JAMA network open. Garcia, L. C., Shanafelt, T. D., West, C. P., Sinsky, C. A., Trockel, M. T., Nedelec, L. n., Maldonado, Y. A., Tutty, M. n., Dyrbye, L. N., Fassiotto, M. n. 2020; 3 (8): e2012762