Export Evaluation Data
This report exports individual line-by-line data in Excel.
1. Select the Clerkship from the drop down on the right side of the home page.
2. Select the Evaluations tab.
3. Select Export Evaluations Data under the Evaluations Functions column on the right side of the page.
4. Select the Evaluation form.
a. Forms associated with the Clerkship or Clerkship Site selected will be in the drop down.
5. Select a specific Evaluator or keep as (all evaluators).
6. Select a specific individual for Evaluations of or keep as is (all evaluatees).
7. Select whether you want evaluations issued between specified dates or evaluations completed between specified dates.
8. To limit the export to specific sites, select "Filter by Site".
9. To only export Final Evaluations, select "Final Evaluations Only".
10. Unless comments were marked as required in set up, keep "Include Required Comments" unchecked, otherwise it will insert empty columns into the report.
11. Select "Include Current Course Only" to limit the export to the Clerkship or Clerkship Site selected in the MedHub home page.
12. Submit.
13. Review the line-by-line raw data in Excel.
a. Scroll to the right to review data.
a. Forms associated with the Clerkship or Clerkship Site selected will be in the drop down.b. From here, you can also transpose data or reformat to fit needs.