Aggregate Comments Report
This report aggregates comments across an evaluation form for a given time period.
1. Select the Clerkship from the drop down on the right side of the home page.
2. Select the Reports tab.
3. Select "Aggregate Comments Report" under the Evaluation Reports heading.
4. Select the Course, Clerkship, or Clerkship Site.
5. Select the Evaluation Target and Direction.
a. Target: Students, Faculty, Services
b. Direction: Evaluations of Target, Evaluated by Target, Both
c. E.g., To report comments from the Patient Care Professionalism form, select either:
- Target: Students; Direction: Evaluations of Target
- Target: Faculty; Direction: Evaluated by Target
6. Select the targets.
a. In this example, select the students to retrieve comments from faculty.
7. Select either an individual report for each target (in this example, an aggregate report per student selected) or a combined report for all targets selected.
8. Select whether you want comments from evaluations issued between specified dates or evaluations completed between specified dates.
9. Select Long Answer as the question type.
a. Almost all comment answer types in MedHub are Long Answer. Update this to the appropriately if using a form with different response types.
10. Select the form type.
11. Select the specific form(s).
a. Relevant forms will update based on previous selections made.
12. Select Display options.
a. Mask the evaluator’s name for additional confidentiality.
b. Excluding blank comments removes lines for evaluations with no feedback submitted.
c. If you selected individual report for each target, selecting Page break between individual reports will start each report on a new page.
d. Can remove confidential comments.
- E.g., reports of mistreatment
13. Select whether to sort comments by Evaluatee, Evaluator, of by Evaluation/Question.
14. Select "Go to Step 3"
15. Select the Output Format
a. If you select HTML Standard you can export to Excel from the report view.