Medical Education Research

Below are selected medical education research resources.  

Online Resources

AMEE Guides

AMEE Guides

AMEE Guides cover topical issues in medical and healthcare professions education and provide information, practical advice and support.  They are designed for use by teachers individually to inform their practice and are widely used in staff development programmes.  AMEE Guides can also provide a valuable resource to inform curriculum and course committees.

Best Evidence in Medical Education

The BEME Collaboration

The Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) Collaboration (Harden et al., 1999) is an international group of individuals, universities and professional organisations committed to the development of evidence informed education in the medical and health professions

Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS)

Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS)

The Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS) is a year-long faculty development program in medical education, designed to introduce clinical educators to fundamental concepts in education. The seminars are high-yield, relevant, and interactive, providing practical tips for bedside teaching, curriculum development, and education research. 

It's HONORS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM is meant to recognize participants with a dedication to medical education, who regularly attend the seminars and complete a scholarly project in medical education. The Honors Program is a multi-disciplinary program open to all medical students, residents, fellows, staff, and faculty with an interest in medical education.

MedEd Portal

MedEd Portal

MedEd portal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that promotes educational scholarship and dissemination of teaching and assessment resources in the health professions.

Medical Education Research and Scholarship Resources (from Michigan State University)

Medical Education Research and Scholarship Resources (from University of Vermont)

Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA)

Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA)

The Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) is one of four regional groups of the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA). GEA membership is open to all faculty, faculty, staff, and learners involved in medical education.The organizations strive to promote excellence in the continuum of medical education by fostering the professional development of medical educators and advancing research in medical education.


Selected Research

Dent, J., Harden, R. M., & Hunt, D. (2017). A practical guide for medical teachers. Elsevier health sciences.

Frank, J. R., Snell, L. S., Cate, O. T., Holmboe, E. S., Carraccio, C., Swing, S. R., Harris, P., Glasgow, N. J., Campbell, C., & Dath, D. (2010). Competency-based medical education: Theory to practice. Medical Teacher, 32(8), 638–645.

Hanson, J. L., Balmer, D. F., & Giardino, A. P. (2011). Qualitative Research Methods for Medical Educators. Academic Pediatrics, 11(5), 375–386.

Harden, R. M., & Laidlaw, J. M. (2016). Essential skills for a medical teacher: An introduction to teaching and learning in medicine. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Mann, K. V. (2011). Theoretical perspectives in medical education: Past experience and future possibilities. Medical Education, 45(1), 60–68.

Tavakol, M., & Sandars, J. (2014a). Quantitative and qualitative methods in medical education research: AMEE Guide No 90: Part I. Medical Teacher, 36(9), 746–756.

Tavakol, M., & Sandars, J. (2014b). Quantitative and qualitative methods in medical education research: AMEE Guide No 90: Part II. Medical Teacher, 36(10), 838–848.