Course Design

The resources below will help support you in designing courses and modules.  Instructional Design resources can vary widely in topics but we have included some we like below.  Many reach beyond the boundaries of strict course design, but intend this section to also be a catch-all for general resources.


Association of Medical Educators of Europe (AMEE)

Carl Wieman and the Science Education Initiative

Dr. Wieman has pioneered the use of experimental techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of various teaching strategies for physics and other sciences.  Below are some selected resources:

IDesign iDEA Book

IDesign iDEA Book

Quick, well-organized guide to course design

John Hopkins IEE Faculty Development Modules

IEE Modules

These modules cover a range of topics including:

Teaching Methods, Assessment and Evaluation, Adult Learning, Learners as Teachers, Concept Mapping

Stanford Faculty Development Center (SFDC)


The Stanford Faculty Development Center for Medical Teachers, in operation 1985-2019, still offers workshops on basic science and clinical teaching.  This curriculum design method has been used around the world.

UCSF Educational Pearls

Educational Pearls

These single page guides will help aquaint you with common educational theories and strategies.

University of Michigan - Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education

View Course

This course, hosted by Coursera, is free to enroll in and access content. Below are the course goals:

After completing this course, learners will:

1. Understand educational theory as it relates to health professions education

2. Match instructional methods with desired educational outcomes 3. Learn a variety of applied teaching techniques

4. Share successful teaching strategies

Books on Course Design

Selected Titles

IDEO. (2012). Design thinking for educators.

Schwartz, D. L., Tsang, J. M., & Blair, K. P. (2016). The ABCs of how we learn: 26 scientifically proven approaches, how they work, and when to use them. WW Norton & Company.

Skeff, K. M., & Stratos, G. A. (2010). Methods for teaching medicine. ACP Press.

Wieman, C. (2017). Improving how universities teach science. Harvard University Press.

Wiggins, G., Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Ascd.