Clinical Teaching

The resources below are intended to support clinical teaching and preceptor training.  While the topic is vast, we hope to have distilled useful starting points.

Online Resources

Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS)

Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS)

The Clinical Teaching Seminar Series (CTSS) is a year-long faculty development program in medical education, designed to introduce clinical educators to fundamental concepts in education. The seminars are high-yield, relevant, and interactive, providing practical tips for bedside teaching, curriculum development, and education research. 

It's HONORS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM is meant to recognize participants with a dedication to medical education, who regularly attend the seminars and complete a scholarly project in medical education. The Honors Program is a multi-disciplinary program open to all medical students, residents, fellows, staff, and faculty with an interest in medical education.

Clinical Teaching Resources for Online Remote Settings

Stanford SoM Online and Virtual Learning Interactive Database

Curated collection of tools and techniques for remote clinical experiences.  Requires login. 

AAMC Clinical Teaching and Learning Experiences without Physical Patient Contact

Collection of links to tools and techniques for online clinical experiences from AAMC.

MedEd Portal Self Directed Remote Learning Modules

Collection of modules designed for online modalities

Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions

Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions

This free course from University of George Washington University/Coursera provides an introduction to clinical simulations.

Evidence-Based Practice Interactive Modules

Evidence-Based Practice Interactive Modules

These highly produced series of online modules from Duke University train practitioners on EBP.  They are free and open-access.  

Mentorship Training Modules

Mentorship Training Modules

University of Minnesota CTSI and its collaborating partners have developed a series of self-paced, online, professional development modules designed to prepare faculty from a range of disciplines to be effective research mentors.

Online Faculty and Resident Development Modules

Online Faculty and Resident Development Modules

From the Herbert Werthiem College of Medicine, these 9 interactive modules offer an introduction to varied clinical topics.

Preceptor Development Initiative Modules

Preceptor Development Initiative Modules

E-Tips for Practice Education Program consists of eight modules full of practical tips. From how to prepare for a student's arrival, to evaluation and beyond - each one is drawn from the experiences of over four hundred clinicians in British Columbia as well as experienced clinical faculty coordinating practice education in their respective fields.  The 8 modules series is free to access.

Stanford Medicine 25

Stanford Medicine 25

The Stanford Medicine 25 consists of hands-on sessions and online content to teach the bedside physical exam to students, residents and faculty and promote the culture of bedside medicine.  Numerous demonstration videos are available free online.  The organization holds a yearly conference and periodic hands-on workshops.

Stanford Faculty Development Center Clinical Teaching Program

Stanford Faculty Development Center Clinical Teaching Program

The SFDC has been well-known and influential both at Stanford and worldwide.  The center published groundbreaking research and books for many years.  Though the founders of the center are now retired, they occasionally hold workshops through the Teaching and Mentoring Academy.

Strategies in Clinical Teaching, a Resource for Community Based Faculty

Strategies in Clinical Teaching, a Resource for Community Based Faculty

This site provides mini-modules on common teaching strategies, each designed to provide practical information on teaching in the community setting. 

UNMC Clinical Teaching Resources

UNMC Clinical Teaching Resources

This site offers a variety of resources for clinical teaching.

Zucker School of Medicine Clinical Faculty Teaching Resources

Zucker School of Medicine Clinical Faculty Teaching Resources

The Community Preceptor Teaching and Just in Time sections of this site hold useful mini-guides for clinical faculty.


Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)

Selected Literature (More to Come)

Ramani, S., & Leinster, S. (2008). AMEE Guide no. 34: Teaching in the clinical environment. Medical Teacher, 30(4), 347–364.

Skeff, K. M., & Stratos, G. A. (2010). Methods for teaching medicine. ACP Press.