One45 Homepage: Navigating Your “e-Dossier”

Your eDossier (or electronic dossier) is an electronic folder of important information about you and your experiences as a faculty member. It is the interface through which you access the One45 system (e.g., to complete evaluations, to view rotation schedules, to change your username and password).  

Most of the information in your eDossier can only be edited by your program administrators.

Your eDossier consists of a number of pages, which are listed on the left of the screen. You will primarily use the To Dos, Personal Info, and Evaluations pages. 

To Dos

The To Do page consists of the list of tasks that you have to complete. It is the page that first appears when you log into the system. The most common tasks that you will perform here are trainee evaluations.

When you are sent an evaluation form to complete, it automatically appears as a new task in your To Do list (you will also receive an email reminder with each new task).

To complete a task, click on the link in the Target column and follow the instructions. Once you've completed and submitted a task it is removed from your To Do page.

Please note that if a form has a due date listed (next to the target's name) - this is the date the form will close and no longer be available to complete. 

Personal Info

The Personal Info page contains your contact information and a headshot photo (if one has been added to the system). Please contact your clerkship coordinator to update any of this information. 


The Evaluations page is an archive of the evaluations you have completed. These lists can be sorted by Target, Rotation, Dates, or Form by clicking the appropriate heading. If you want to review a particular evaluation that you've completed, click view at the right of the form line.