Strategic Principles
•Decisions about testing, treatment, safety practices, and other interventions will be based on best scientific evidence as interpreted by Stanford experts, the County Department of Health, California Department of Public Health and CDC guidelines.
•We strive to align our work with broader Stanford directives but recognize that our unique student populations may require deviation from recommendations for undergraduates.
•Students in all programs should be treated in a similar manner regarding interventions for COVID. Decisions about reopening should be made with balanced consideration of the needs of all programs.
•Given extremely limited capacity of classrooms, space assignments for educational activities will prioritize those that can only be conducted in person
•Clinical training requires physical proximity between individuals that is closer than that recommended for physical distancing; in those circumstances, infection control guidelines (masks, gowns, gloves, face shields) must be followed.
•In step with the staged return of educational activities to campus, we will coordinate with ancillary services to ensure that students have access to needed resources (Library, student health, counseling, etc.).