Stanford Population Health Summer Research Program

Advancing Health Equity and Diversity (AHEaD)

The goal of this 7-week summer program is to provide training and experience in population health research for college students who are from underrepresented groups in the health sciences. 

This program is sponsored by the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, the Center for Population Health Sciences, the Office of Community Engagement, Stanford Health Policy, and NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA).

Program Details

  • U.S.-based college students (US citizens or permanent residents) from underrepresented populations, which includes but is not limited to: first generation; low-income or underserved rural community backgrounds; LGBTQIA+; individuals with disabilities; Veterans; experienced homelessness; formerly incarcerated/justice involved. 
  • Completed at least one year of college by 1/12/2024

  • Interest in quantitative methods for population health-related research.
  • Students accepted to the program will need to provide proof of college student status (documentation will be requested after decision letters are sent, anticipated by March 2024).
  • Note: Selection decisions will be made in awareness of and in accordance with the June 29, 2023 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action.

*See FAQs section for more details on eligibility