Master of Science Degree in
Epidemiology and Clinical Research
- EPI 202: R Fundamentals for Health Research
- EPI 206: Meta-research: Appraising Research Findings, Bias, and Meta-analysis (STATS 211)
- EPI 207: Infectious Diseases: Community Health Impact and Prevention (CHPR 207)
- EPI 214: Scientific Writing
- EPI 219: Evaluating Technologies for Diagnosis, Prediction, and Screening
- EPI 223: Introduction to Data Management and Analysis in SAS
- EPI 224: Genetic Epidemiology
- EPI 231: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
- EPI 237: Practical Approaches to Global Health Research (INTLPOL 290, MED 226)
- EPI 238: Genes and Environment in Disease Causation: Implications for Medicine and Public Health (HUMBIO 159)
- EPI 240: Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology
- EPI 244: Developing Measurement Tools for Health Research
- EPI 247: Epidemic Intelligence: How to Identify, Investigate and Interrupt Outbreaks of Disease
- EPI 253: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
- EPI 264: Foundations of Statistical and Scientific Inference
- EPI 265: Advanced Methods for Meta-Analysis
- EPI 267: Life Course Epidemiology
- EPI 272: The Science of Community Engagement in Health Research (CHPR 227)
- EPI 292: Advanced Statistical Methods for Observational Studies
- EPI 297: History of Epidemiology
- CHPR 242: The Science of Well-being: A Global Perspective
- CHPR 288: Cancer in Asian Americans: Epidemiology and Prevention
- ESS 268: Empirical Methods in Sustainable Development (INTLPOL 272)
- HRP 224: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab - Global & Planetary Health
- HRP 252: Outcomes Analysis (BIOMED 251)
- HRP 263: Advanced Decision Science Methods and Modeling in Health (MED 263)
- HRP 391: Health Law: Finance and Insurance
- HRP 392: Analysis of Costs, Risks, and Benefits of Health Care (BIOMEDIN 432)
- MED 262: Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries (ECON 127)
Any graduate level EPI courses with primary focus on epidemiology or population health or methods can be taken as electives, if approved by the student's epidemiology advisor.
*Please note that EPI 245: Intensive Course in Clinical Research and EPI 273: Essentials of Clinical Research are for the broader research community and not intended for MS students.
MS in Epidemiology and Clinical Research