Innovation and Dissemination
Media and Articles related to ELSRP
Spotlight News
Program evaluation of a school-based mental health and wellness curriculum featuring yoga and mindfulness
Dr. Bethany H. McCurdy, Dr. Victor Carrión, et al.
Resilience by design: How nature, nurture, environment, and microbiome mitigate stress and allostatic load
Dr. Souhad Chbeir, Dr. Victor Carrión
Terapia de claves traumáticas en formato combinado, presencial-telemático: a propósito de un caso
Susana Cruylles, Dr. Hilit Kletter, and Dr. Victor Carrión
Pure Power Curriculum Study
The Science of Wellness
El psiquiatra infantil Víctor G. Carrión: “Es un error pensar que los niños afrontan mejor las crisis: son más vulnerables”
by Silvia Blanco contributor of EL PAIS
El experto considera que el estrés por un duelo no procesado y el no ir a la escuela durante un tiempo son las situaciones más difíciles para los menores en la pandemia
Building Resilience in Our Children for the Aftereffects of COVID-19
by Dr. Victor Carrioon, MD
Children and adolescents have the capacity to become resilient and adaptive when we give them the opportunities and resources to do so, but half to two-thirds of those needing mental health services may not have access to them.
Opinion: Untold stories of the strength and resilience of low-income students
by Randi Shafton and Amika Guillaume / Contributors
Since March 2020, we have worried about the health, grief, finances and social isolation of low-income students and families. There has been heartbreaking loss, financial strain and unemployment, and a clear, disproportionate impact on low-income communities. East Palo Alto has seen four times more COVID-19 cases than Menlo Park and seven times more than Atherton.
Stanford Report- Apr. 6 2017
Special delivery: Students organize to send letters of support to Syrian refugees by Ruthann Richter
A group of Stanford medical students is helping organize a campaign to send letters to Syrian refugees living in Jordan.
Packard Children's News-Fall 2016
From Neuroscience to Yoga by Jennifer Yuan & Elizabeth Kuriakose
A determined psychiatrist puts Stanford science to work for our community's most vulnerable children
Stanford Report- Nov. 11th 2016 issue
Traumatic stress changes brains of boys, girls differently by Erin Digitale
A brain region that integrates emotions and actions appears to undergo accelerated maturation in adolescent girls with PTSD, but not in boys with the condition, a Stanford study has found.
Stanford Medicine- Quarterly Fall 2015
Beyond Behavior by Erin Digitale
A new type of therapy takes its cues from trauma. Dr. Carrión talks about the misconceptions of trauma-exposed youth.
California Schools- Quarterly Summer 2014
Front Lines by Kristi Garrett
Schools assume a new role as mental health first responders. Dr. Carrión and Dr. Kletter discuss the effects of toxic stress.
Terapia de Claves Traumáticas – Manual de intervención para niños y adolescentes con síntomas postraumáticos
Victor G. Carrión, M.D.
Approaches in Mental Health for Children and Adolescents Applied Mindfulness
Victor G. Carrión, M.D.
Cue Centered Therapy for Youth Experienceing Posttraumatic Symptoms
Victor G. Carrión, M.D.
International Project
Los niños no gestionan mejor los traumas que los mayores
interviewed by JOAQUÍN AZPARREN January 31, 2021
La pandemia ha agudizado los problemas mentales de los jóvenes de suerte que se han incrementado las consultas a los especialistas y han subido las tentativas y casos de suicidio consumado a edades tempranas. El psiquiatra de la Universidad de Stanford, Víctor Carrión, defiende la comunicación y la prevención como las herramientas más adecuadas para tratar la salud mental niños y adolescentes.
Frontiers in Medicine: United by the Power of Science
With talks by leaders in medicine and the biomedical, social, and physical sciences, Frontiers in Medicine 2021 showcased the people and the science that give us hope for the future.
SEPT 2021/Stanford University/Watch Video>
Victor Carrion, MD: Studying How Mindfulness Relieves Traumatic Stress
by Sari Harrar Thursday, December 9, 2021
"Stress is not all bad," says Victor Carrion, MD, the John A. Turner, MD, Endowed Professor for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and director of the Stanford Early Life Stress and Resilience Program. "In small amounts, it's important for a child's development."
AP NEWS - US held record number of migrant children in custody in 2019 by Christopher Sherman, Martha Mendoza, and Garance Burke
COMAYAGUA, Honduras (AP) — The 3-year-old girl traveled for weeks cradled in her father’s arms, as he set out to seek asylum in the United States. Now she won’t even look at him.
NOV 2019/ ThePrimarySchool/ Read More>
Educational Videos from Osmosis and The Primary School
The Primary School partnered with Osmosis to create a series of educational videos in order to educate teachers and parents about common health issues affecting children. Dr. Ryan Matlow help create the Toxic Stress for Teachers and Families
NOV 2019/ ThePrimarySchool/ To See Video>
Presentation of the book Cue Centered Therapy by Dr. Victor Carrón
Trauma is a shocking, distressing or emotionally painful experience that has negative effects on a person's organism or mind.
SEPT 2019/ QuironSalud/ Learn More>
Cue-Centered Treatment for Repeated Paediatric Trauma by Happi Doc
Stanford University's Victor G. Carrion, MD, discusses the neuroscience of pediatric trauma and the use of the cue-centered therapy approach for youth with post-traumatic symptoms. The cue-centered therapy is an evidence-based treatment program designed to treat children with repeated trauma exposure.
MAY 2019/ HappiDoc/ Learn More >
Reducing Protections for Noncitizen Children — Exacerbating Harm and Trauma by Drs. Ryan Matlow and Daryn Reicherter
A translation deal concerning one of our titles will directly facilitate the training of healthcare specialists in Puerto Rico, to tackle the effects of grief and anxiety suffered by children following Hurricane María in 2017.
JAN 2019/ NEJM/ Learn More >
Tackling the aftermath of Hurricane María by Oxford University Press
A translation deal concerning one of our titles will directly facilitate the training of healthcare specialists in Puerto Rico, to tackle the effects of grief and anxiety suffered by children following Hurricane María in 2017.
DEC 2018/ OUP/ Learn More >
Víctor Carrión, psiquiatra infantil | Entrevista | El País Semanal
This child psychiatrist has spent two decades researching at Stanford University how stress shapes the brains of children. Defend the need to teach them to be more resilient. It has launched a yoga and relaxation program in schools in San Francisco to help students manage anxiety. In this conversation, he recommends that parents give their children autonomy. And he notes with concern the excessive use of technology.
DEC 2017/ Youtube/ Learn More >
SCOPE- California setting a new path for mental health services
At the time, I thought it was an odd proposal. California voters in November 2004 were asked to approve a state-wide proposition that would tax individuals making over a million dollars to create a revenue stream to reform and fund mental health services. I cast a “yes” vote knowing how difficult it is for any state legislature to fully fund mental health programs; the proposition was approved by 53.8 percent
DEC 2016/ PODCAST/ Learn More >
RESILIENCE- The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope
Researchers have recently discovered a dangerous biological syndrome caused by abuse and neglect during childhood. As the new documentary Resilience reveals, toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death.
2016/ FILM/ Learn More >
Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)- Bootcamp on Stress
Why did stress evolve, and how is stress relevant in a modern social context? This workshop brings together leading researchers, including Prof. Joe Herbert from the University of Cambridge and Prof. Victor Carrion from Stanford University, to give their perspective on this interdisciplinary research topic.
AUG 2016/ Aarhus, Denmark/ Watch Videos >
Understanding Anxiety and Stress in Early Life
presented by: Dr. Victor Carrión, M.D.
JUNE 2016/ Palo Alto, CA/ Watch Webinar>
Live Sonima
Sonima announces a fantastic new partnership between the Sonima Foundation and Dr. Victor Carrion of Stanford University in which they endeavor to understand how yoga and mindfulness can help children in their emotional and social lives.
2015/ YOUTUBE/ Learn More>
follows a year in the life of an alternative high school that has radically changed its approach to disciplining its students, becoming a promising model for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence and disease that affect families.
2015/ FILM/ Learn More>
The Raising of America - Wounded Places
The Raising of America - Wounded Places: Confronting Childhood PTSD in America’s Shell-Shocked Cities
FEB 2015/ Palo Alto, CA / Watch Trailer >
The Raising of America - Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation
NOV 2015/ Palo Alto, CA/ Watch Trailer >
Public Forum: Talking About Race: Science, Politics, Art
MAY 2014/ New York, New York/ Learn More >
PBS NewsHour with Victor Carrion, MD
Mindfulness can be a powerful tool in treating post-traumatic stress disorder in teens. In this PBS NewsHour segment, Victor Carrion, MD, explains how.
MAR 2014/ Palo Alto, CA/ Watch Video >
MIND THE BRAIN - Dealing with Psychological Trauma in Children: Answers from Neuroscience, Community Initiatives, and Clinical Trials for Treating Childhood PTSD
On December 14th, 2012 the unthinkable happened. A gunman fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut. This incident is the second deadliest school shooting in American History.
APR 2013/ BLOG/ Learn More >
Science Bulletins: Brains Change with Trauma
American Museum of Natural History
This story highlights recent work by Victor Carrion's team at the Stanford University Early Life Stress Research Program that shows how adverse events in childhood can make an early mark on brain function.
JUL 2011/ Washington D.C. / Watch Video >
Policy and Advocacy
Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)
The role of the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) is to oversee the implementation of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) in California. The MHSOAC is also responsible for developing strategies to overcome stigma. At any time, the MHSOAC may advise the Governor or the Legislature on mental health policy. Dr. Carrion is the Attorney General’s appointee to this Commission where he Chairs the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Committee and is Vice-Chair of the Evaluation Committee.
to learn more about the the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission please visit the website:
Changing Minds Campaign
Futures Without Violence, in collaboration with the Ad Council, has partnered with the US Department of Justice to create Changing Minds. Launching on October 19, 2016, the campaign will 1) educate on the problem of childhood trauma and the solutions that exist; 2) advance programs and practices that help to make schools, homes, and communities safer for children and youth, and 3) help grow leadership in various fields (e.g., education, health, community, and justice).
Early trauma in the home, school or community can affect children throughout their lives. The Changing Minds campaign will engage teachers, coaches, counselors, nurses, and other front-line adults who interact with kids on proven ways to help children heal from the trauma of witnessing violence in their school, home, or community. Dr. Carrión has provided scientific consultation for the campaign
To learn more about Changing Minds Campaign please visit the website at to learn more!
Research Publications
Highlighted Papers
When Undoing Is Not Enough — Repairing Harms Inflicted on Immigrant Children
by N. Ewen Wang, M.D., Ryan Matlow, Ph.D., and Alan Shapiro, M.D.
May 5, 2021
As one of its signature priorities, the Trump administration implemented substantial changes to immigration policy, which profoundly affected the health and welfare of immigrant children and families. Actions by the Biden administration to end these policies are critically important, but policy reversals aren’t enough to address the harm that has been done.
Cue-Centered Therapy for Youth Experiencing Posttraumatic Symptoms
Recent findings Studies demonstrate promising outcomes indicating CCT effectiveness in reducing child and caregiver posttraumatic stress, and in improving child functioning. Further research, however, is needed to identify which clients are best-suited for CCT (versus other available child trauma treatments) and to identify which components of CCT are most critical for addressing complex developmental trauma.
A Prescription for Nations: How Trauma Can Inform Policy
Part I of II: From the science of healing from trauma
By Dr. Victor Carrion Published May 27, 2021
As we gain some distance and perspective on the 365 days that made up the year 2020, I – like many of us – have come to appreciate how profound it was.
The confluence of events made 2020 a year unlike any other. The lack of attention to nature’s balance leading to a world pandemic, the lack of social justice and violence leading to brutal deaths, the long-simmering political climate leading to damaging divisions in our country have all been brewing for decades. The continuing fallout from what manifested in 2020 confirms that avoidance and neglect are no longer acceptable approaches to managing our problems. The year 2020 was transformative, and that transformation for us individually and as a nation is not yet finished. TO READ MORE IN PSYCHOLOGY TODAY
Victor Carrión, M.D.
A school-based health and mindfulness curriculum improves children’s objectively measured sleep. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Chick, C. F., Singh, A., Anker, L. A., Buck, C., Kawai, M., Gould, C., Cotto, I., Schneider, L., Linkovski, O., Karna, R., Pirog, S., Parker-Fong, K. †, Nolan, C. R., Shinsky, D. N., Hiteshi, P. N., Leyva, O., Flores, B., Matlow, R., Bradley, T., Jordan, J. T., Carrion, V.G., & O’Hara, R. (2022). (9), 2261-2271. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9508
Cortical activation predicts posttraumatic improvement in youth treated with TF-CBT or CCT. Journal of Psychiatric Research Espil, F. M., Balters, S., Li, R., McCurdy, B. H., Kletter, H., Piccirilli, A., Cohen, J. A., Weems, C. F., Reiss, A. L., & Carrion, V. G. (2022). 156, 25–35.
Impact of anxiety and depression on academic achievement among underserved school children: evidence of suppressor effects. Current psychology McCurdy, B. H., Scozzafava, M. D., Bradley, T., Matlow, R., Weems, C. F., & Carrion, V. G. (2022). ), 1–9. Advance online publication.
A school-based health and mindfulness curriculum improves children's objectively measured sleep: a prospective observational cohort study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine: Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Chick, C. F., Singh, A., Anker, L. A., Buck, C., Kawai, M., Gould, Carrion,V.G., O'Hara, R., et al (2021). . 2022 Sep 1;18(9):2261-2271. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9508. PMID: 34170222; PMCID: PMC9435327.
Cue-Centered Therapy for Youth Experiencing Posttraumatic Symptoms. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry Kletter, H., Matlow, R., Tanovic, S., Carrion, V. 2021: 1–16
To find more of Dr. Carrións published works >
Ryan Matlow, Ph.D.
A school-based health and mindfulness curriculum improves children's objectively measured sleep: a prospective observational cohort study. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Chick, C. F., Singh, A., Anker, L. A., Buck, C., Kawai, M., Gould, C., Cotto, I., Schneider, L., Linkovski, O., Karna, R., Pirog, S., Parker-Fong, K., Nolan, C. R., Shinsky, D. N., Hiteshi, P. N., Leyva, O., Flores, B., Matlow, R., Bradley, T., Jordan, J., Carrion, V., O'Hara, R. 2021
When Undoing Is Not Enough - Repairing Harms Inflicted on Immigrant Children. The New England journal of medicine Wang, N. E., Matlow, R., Shapiro, A. 2021
Equity, Inclusivity, and Innovative Digital Technologies to Improve Adolescent and Young Adult Health. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine Israni, S. T., Matheny, M. E., Matlow, R. n., Whicher, D. n. 2020; 67 (2S): S4–S6
Patient and community engagement for mental health disparities in Latinx immigrant populations. Community Mental Health Engagement with Racially Diverse Populations edited by Breland-Noble, A. Academic Press. 2020
Hilit Kletter, Ph.D.
Cortical activation predicts posttraumatic improvement in youth treated with TF-CBT or CCT. Journal of psychiatric research Espil, F. M., Balters, S., Li, R., McCurdy, B. H., Kletter, H., Piccirilli, A., Cohen, J. A., Weems, C. F., Reiss, A. L., Carrion, V. G. (2022); 156: 25-35
Cue-Centered Therapy for Youth Experiencing Posttraumatic Symptoms. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry Kletter, H., Matlow, R., Tanovic, S., Carrion, V. (2021): 1–16
Cue-Centered Therapy Assessing and Treating Youth Exposed to Traumatic Stress Kletter, H., Carrion, V. G.(2019): 207–21
Cue-Centered Treatment for Youth Exposed to Interpersonal Violence: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Traumatic Stress. Carrion, V. G., Kletter, H., Weems, C. F., Berry, R. R., Rettger, J. P. (2013); 26 (6): 654-662
Susana Crullyes, Clinical Psychology
Terapia de claves traumáticas en formato combinado, presencial-telemático: A propósito de un caso. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, Cruylles, S., Kletter, H., & Carrión, V. G. (2022). 39(4), 33–41.
Souhad Chbeir, Ph.D.
Resilience by design: How nature, nurture, environment, and microbiome mitigate stress and allostatic load. World journal of psychiatry Chbeir, S., & Carrión, V.G., (2023). , 13(5), 144–159.