Course Content Access and Appropriate Use Policy
Stanford Medicine course materials are intended for curriculum and course-related purposes and are copyrighted by the University. Appropriate access to this content is given for personal academic study and review purposes only. Unless otherwise stated in writing, this content may not be shared, distributed, modified, transmitted, reused, sold, or otherwise disseminated. These materials may also be protected by additional copyright; any further use of this material may be in violation of federal copyright law. Violators of this policy will be referred to the Committee on Professionalism, Performance, and Promotion for disciplinary purposes.
What does this mean for students?
What does this mean for faculty?
Additional Resources
The Provost's Statement on Copyrights: A document explaining how copyright laws apply to educational materials at Stanford, with special attention to use of digital media. This document references the TEACH Act laws.
Stanford University Honor Code: The Honor Code is the University's statement on academic integrity written by students in 1921. It articulates University expectations of students and faculty in establishing and maintaining the highest standards in academic work. Another one of the guiding principles of Stanford University is the Fundamental Standard.
Copyright and Fair Use from the Stanford Libraries: This comprehensive website explains how copyright, fair use, and permissions apply to the use of online and offline educational media.
Labels for Sharing
By default, all materials on Canvas are restricted, private, and intended only for personal use and review. With clear written labeling, course faculty may selectively permit specific resources to be shared with varying degrees of availability.
Files should be labeled clearly similar to this:
students can share only with classmates currently enrolled in this specific course. Download small for screen or large for print.
students can share with any student currently enrolled in Stanford School of Medicine. Download small for screen or large for print.
Support Contacts
Space scheduling and reservations:
650-723-6952 | M-F 7 AM - 6 PM
Classroom technical support:
650-724-7370 | M-F 7 AM - 6 PM