
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Watson AH, Akbani S, Homer N, Somogyi M, Durairaj VD. Adnexal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Incidence of Eyelid Margin Involvement. Orbit. Accepted for publication 2022 June.

Watson AH, Van Brummen A, Somogyi MB, Homer N, Nakra T. Potent Periorbital Fractionated CO2 Laser Resurfacing: Settings & Safety. Dermatologic Surgery. Accepted for publication 2022 June.

Copparam S, Kim E, Homer NA. Metastatic Melanoma Regression on Targeted Therapy. Orbit. 2022 May. doi: 10.1080/01676830.2022.2074050.

Homer N, Sayed Hanafy M, Baer S, Huggins AW, Cui R, Nakra T. Dose Optimization of 5-Fluorouracil for use in MicroPen®-Facilitated Surgical Wound Augmentation in a Murine Model. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Accepted for publication 2022 April.

West B, Hoesly P, LeBoit P, Homer N. Cutaneous Angiosarcoma Presenting as Bilateral Periorbital Edema. Orbit. 2022 Apr 25;1-3. doi: 10.1080/01676830.2022.20569012022.

Homer N¸ Darrow M. Middle-aged woman with atypical upper eyelid retraction. JAMA Ophthalmology. June 2022. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2022.1532

Homer N, Karlin J, Watson AH, Somogyi M, Bratton E, Goldberg RA, Nakra T. Suture Cheek Suspension Augments Periorbital Static Rehabilitation in Facial Nerve Palsy. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. May 2022. doi:10.1177/07488068221094452

Malhotra K, Rose J, Homer N. Traumatic Enucleation from Blunt Airbag Trauma. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open. 2022 Feb; 3(1): e12676

Watson AH, Homer N, El-Hadad C, Durairaj VD. Unilateral Favre-Racouchot of the Eyelid. Orbit. 2002 May 25;1. doi:10.1080/01676830.2022.2025857.

Watson AH, O’Mary HL, Cui Z, Baer SC, Homer NA, Somogyi, M, Blaydon S, Shore JW, Durairaj VD, Bratton E, Nakra T. Combination 5-Fluorouracil and Microneedling Therapy for Wound Modification: A Histologic Murine Study. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 2022. doi:10.1177/07488068221074125

Epstein A, Homer N, Blaydon S, Nakra T. Acute Retrobulbar Hemorrhage After Tooth Extraction: Case Report and Treatment of a Rare Condition. Special Care in Dentistry. 2022 May;42(3):304-307.

Hudson FP, Homer N, Epstein A, Mondy K. Acute Chagas Disease Manifesting as Orbital Cellulitis, Texas, USA. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2021 Nov; 27(11): 2937–2939.

Epstein A, Homer N, Reed D, Young R, Durairaj VDD. Traumatic intrachoroidal nail implantation. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 2021 Sept. 35(1):106-107.

Campagna GA, Homer N, Artymowicz A, Epstein A, Durairaj VD, Nakra T. Safety of Laser Skin Resurfacing in Immunocompromised and Diabetic Patients. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2022;45:1-15.

Vaswani ZG, Homer N, Epstein A, Nakra T. Black Bone Disease of the Skull Incidentally Discovered during Endoscopic Brow Lifting. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2021:1-4.

Homer N, Epstein A, Shore JW, Somogyi M. ASOPRS Surgeon Experience during the COVID-19 Crisis. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 2021;38(4): 205–210.

Homer N, Patel A, Epstein A, Durairaj VD, Nakra T. Autologous Fat Transfer Harvest Site Complications. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2022 Jan-Feb 01;38(1):65-67.

Shah DS. Homer N, Epstein A, Durairaj VD. Simultaneous Presentation of Orbital Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Endocrine Mucin-Producing Sweat Gland Carcinoma. Orbit. 2021 Mar 3;1-5.

Epstein A, Homer NA, Watson AH, Bratton E, Nakra T, Somogyi M. Female Cosmetic Surgeons: Past and Present Perspectives. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 2021 Jan;38(3):129-133.

Homer N, Epstein A, Somogyi M, Shore JW. ASOPRS Fellow Education during the COVID-19 Crisis. Orbit. 2020 Oct 29;1-5.

Holan C, Homer N, Epstein A, Durairaj VD. Atypical Acute Presentation of an Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. 2020 Dec;20:100951.

Homer N, Epstein A, Durairaj VD, Wang M, Jonna G, Somogyi M. Acute Post-Partum Vision Loss due to Pilocytic Astrocytoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. 2020 Aug 20;20:100897.

Homer N, Zhou S, Huggins A, Durairaj V, Nakra, T. Wound Dehiscence Following Upper Blepharoplasty: A Review of 2376 Cases. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2021 May-Jun 01;37(3S):S66-S69.

Homer N, Zhou S, Huggins A, Nakra T. Nuances of the Direct Brow Lift; Oculoplastic Surgeons’ Perspective. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 2020 July;38(1):5-10.

Homer N, Elwood K, Huggins A, Somogyi M, Nakra, T, Blaydon S. Consideration of Nasal Contour in Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine. 2020; 23(2):1-5.

Homer N, Epstein A, Hoesly P. Ecthyma gangrenosum of the eyelid in an immunocompromised patient. Orbit. 2021 Apr;40(2):172.

Artymowicz A, Homer N, Bratton E. Bilobed Dermoid Cyst in a Unique Location. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020 April;37(2):e82.

Homer N, Hoesly P, Durairaj VD. Atypical presentation of an endocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinoma of the eyelid. Orbit. 2021 Feb;40(1):81-82.

Watson A, Homer N, Somogyi M. Varicella Virus of the Eyelid. JAMA Ophthalmology. 2020;138(7):795–796.

Huggins A, Homer N, Somogyi M, Shore J, Nakra T. Pedicled Buccal Fat Flap: An Underutilized Source of Vascularized Periorbital Volume. JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery. 2020 Jan/Feb;22(1):61-63.

Homer N, Huggins A, Nakra T. Letter to the Editor Re. “The Sutureless Mullerectomy”. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019 Nov/Dec;35(6)631.

Homer N, Nakra T, Wong R. Uncovered Undulations. JAMA Ophthalmology. 2019 Aug;137(10):1207-1208.

Homer N, Huggins A, Durairaj V. Benign Orbital Meningioma with Rare Osteolytic Behavior. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020 May/Jun;36(3):e81.

Homer N, Huggins A, Durairaj V. Contemporary Management of Orbital Blowout Fractures. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2019 Aug;27(4):310-316.

Homer N, Glass L, Lee G, Lefebvre D, Sutula F, Freitag S, Yoon MK.

Assessment of Infraorbital Hypesthesia Following Orbital Floor and Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures Utilizing a Novel Sensory Grading System. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019 Jan/Feb;35(1)53-55.

Homer N, Fay A. Management of Long-Standing Flaccid Facial Palsy: Periocular Considerations. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2018 Dec;51(6):1107-1118.

Homer N, Habib L, Lee NG. Bilateral periorbital impetigo inducing significant dermatitis and cicatricial eyelid changes in an adult. Ophthalmology. 2018 Jun;125(6):798.

Spors B, Seemann J, Homer N, Fay A. Lymphatic malformation with acquired Horner syndrome in an infant. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery. 2018;10:e2.

Jakobiec F, Homer N, Zakka F, Curtin H, Fay A. Clinicopathologic and MRI

Analysis of a Multifocal Orbital Lymphoid Tumor. Ocular Oncology and Pathology. Ocul Oncol Pathol 2018;4:82-89.

Spors B, Seemann J, Homer N, Fay A. Lymphatic malformation with acquired Horner syndrome in an infant. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Oct 23;2017.

Homer N, Jakobiec FA, Stagner A, Freitag SK, Fay AM, Yoon MK.

Periocular breast carcinoma metastases. Correlation of clinical, radiologic and histopathologic features. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2017 Aug;45(6):606-612.

Homer N, Yoon M. Evaluation of ASOPRS program website content and quality. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2016 Dec 16. 2017 Nov/Dec;33(6):471-473.

Homer N, Freitag S. Facial Pyoderma Gangrenosum Presenting with Cranial Nerve VII Palsy and Cicatricial Ectropion. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2017 Nov/Dec;33(6):e170.

Jakobiec FA, Stagner A, Homer N, Yoon MK. Periocular breast carcinoma metastases: Predominant origin from the lobular variant. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2017 Sep/Oct;33(5):361-366.

Homer N, Grewal DS, Mirza RG, Lyon AT, Gill MK. Response to: 'Comment on Transitioning to intravitreal aflibercept following a previous treat-and-extend dosing regimen in neovascular age-related macular degeneration: 24-month results'. Eye (Lond). 2015 Dec;29(12):1630-1.

N Homer, DS Grewal, RG Mirza, AT Lyon, MK Gill. Transitioning to intravitreal aflibercept following a previous treat-and-extend dosing regimen in neovascular age-related macular degeneration: 24-month results. Eye. 2015 Sep;29(9):1152-5.

Homer N, Sheen L, Lee R. Idiopathic massive left ventricular thrombus in HIV patient. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2012 Jul 4;7(1):65

Lee R, Homer N, Andrei AC, McGee EC, Malaisrie SC, Kansal P, McCarthy PM. Early readmission for congestive heart failure predicts late mortality after cardiac surgery. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2012 Sep;144(3):671-6.

Invited Journal Publications

Homer N. Effective Advocacy: A Lawmaker’s Perspective. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Young Ophthalmology Newsletter. 2021 August.

Homer N. Experience as an American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Fellow. American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery: Women in Cosmetic Surgery. 2021 March. Special issue.

Homer N, Fay A. Facial Paralysis: Diagnosis and Management. Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry. 2018;3(1)357-373

Homer N, Jurkunas U. The Use of Femtosecond Laser in Refractive and Cataract Surgery. 2017 Resident’s Course – Harvard Ophthalmology: Innovations in Ophthalmology. 2017 Feb. 107-16. 

Lin M, Rossin E, Homer N, Nguyen H, Grob S. Review of “Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery versus standard phacoemulsification cataract surgery: Case-control study from the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery.” 2016 Dec. 

Homer N, Day S. “Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy-linked sarcomere mutant gene expression may directly impair Ubiquitin Proteasome System function In Vitro” University of Michigan Honor Thesis Institutional Repository. 2010 April.

Textbook Chapters

Homer N, Epstein A, Kemper C. Chapter 2: Cranial Nerve II: Optic Nerve; Anatomy, Evaluation, Pathology and Surgical Approaches. In: Cranial Nerves: Anatomy Function and Clinical Significance. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Homer N, Nakra T, Somogyi M. Chapter 18: Lateral Canthal Complications. In: Hartstein ME, Holds JB, Burkat CN and Ramesh D. Avoiding and Managing Complications in Cosmetic Oculofacial Surgery. Switzerland: Springer Nature. 2020. 

Gonzalez MO, Homer N, Durairaj V. Chapter 52: Pediatric Orbital Disease. In: Black EH, Nesi FA, Gladstone GJ, Levine MR. Smith and Nesi’s Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryEdition 4. New York: Springer. p831-858.

Homer N, Fay A. Chapter 36: Primary External Dacryocystorhinostomy. In: Black EH, Nesi FA, Gladstone GJ, Levine MR. Smith and Nesi’s Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryEdition 4. New York: Springer. p565-570.

Homer N, Huggins A, Durairaj V. Lacrimal sac and Nasolacrimal duct disease (post saccal): Trauma. In Oliver J, Rootman D, Javate R, Yuen H, Lachmund U. Lacrimal Disorders: Medical and Surgical Management.

Homer N, Fay A. Management of Long-Standing Flaccid Facial Palsy: Periocular Considerations. In: O TM, Jowett N, Hadlock T. Facial Nerve Paralysis: Causes, Prevention, Reanimation, Rehabilitation. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. 2018. 

Homer N, Grob S, Talcott K, Lefbvre D. Traumatic Evisceration. In: Grob S, Kloek C. Management of Open Globe Injuries. Chennai, India: Springer Nature. 2018. p355-366.   

Homer N, Lee N. Chapter 15: Repair of Upper Eyelid Retraction (Internal and External) In: Freitag SK, Lee G, Lefebvre D, Yoon MK. Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery: Tricks of the Trade. New York: Thieme Publishers. 2018.

Homer N, Fay A. Postoperative management after aesthetic surgical procedures. In: Osaki MH, Osaki TH, Kikkawa DO. Eyelid and Periorbital Aesthetics and Rejuvenation. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 2018.

Abboud JJ, Homer N, Fay A. The Role of Antibiotics in Oculoplastic Surgery. In: Allen R, Levine M. Manual of Oculoplastic Surgery, 5th Edition. New York: Springer. 2017.