Resources for our community of researchers and practitioners working to improve health and reduce disparities throughout Northern California and the Central Valley
DREAMS-CDTR provides resources for our community of researchers and practitioners working to improve health and reduce disparities throughout Northern California and the Central Valley.
These resources are primarily methodological in nature, including biostatistical consulting and a survey and clinical instrument library. Access to recordings of an ongoing seminar series that provides insight into various aspects of the research, practice and policy of reducing diabetes disparities is available here.
Upcoming and Recent Seminars
March 17, 2025 |
Ignacia Arteaga |
April 21, 2025 |
Julie Schmittdiel |
May 19, 2025 |
Wagahta Semere |
July 21, 2025 |
Abby Arons |
September 15, 2025 |
October 20, 2025 |
Aaron Tierney |
November 17, 2025 |
Online methodological resources for members
Data/Metrics Resources for Diabetes Equity Research
The Geriatrics Research Instrument Library (GRIL) is a newly established website that provides a user-friendly resource to guide researchers in selecting instruments to assess and measure clinical outcomes relevant to older adults across a full range of domains. GRIL allows users to easily search, compare, and select research instruments based on their description, copyright information, completion time, available translations, and more.
GRIL currently contains over 175 instruments across 18 geriatric domains: Anxiety, Caregiver Burden, Cognition/Dementia, Delirium, Depression, Frailty, General Health Status/Quality of Life, Health Behaviors, Hearing, Medical Comorbidity, Medication Adherence, Pain, Physical Activity/Performance, Physical Disability, Resilience, Sleep, Social Support, and Vision.
GRIL was developed in collaboration with the AGING Initiative, Wake Forest University, and Yale Pepper Center.
Biostatistical Consulting Services
DREAMS-CDTR is pleased to offer its members biostatistical consulting services by Amy Chiang, PhD. Dr. Chiang is a Research Specialist at UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital. She has worked in women's health, health services research and social policy as it relates to heath and heath equity. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh and a MA from New York University. She specializes in econometrics and a variety of statistical and quantitative research methods, including quasi-experimental approach, causal inference, Bayesian, text analysis, and sequence analysis. Her research interests center around social determinants of health, women's health, health equity, safety net programs, and social and economic policies aiming at identifying ways with evidence-based research and data analysis to better understand and meet the health needs for diverse and particularly vulnerable and marginalized populations.