Diabetes Policy Research Resource

The Diabetes Policy Research Resource Core aims to introduce novel and robust methodologies, improve the uptake of research, and allocate on-demand availability of experts to catalyze research.

We extend the reach of the CDTR expertise and resources beyond DREAMS primary institutions. Specifically, the Core leverages cutting-edge and robust methodologies; improves the uptake of research focused on diabetes across diverse high-risk populations; and enhances the efficiency, productivity, effectiveness, and multidisciplinary nature of diabetes translation research through allocation of on-demand availability of experts.

Services Provided

  1.  On-demand consultations, an open-source code library of new methods, and shared tutorials
  2. Topical monthly webinars
  3. Grant writing consultation and participation

Leveraging cutting-edge and robust methodologies

Diabetes Policy Research Resource Core Faculty

Julie A. Schmittdiel, PhD


Kaiser Permanente Division of Research

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Dean Schillinger, MD


Sanjay Basu, MD , PhD

Core Faculty


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Marianne Bitler, PhD

Core Faculty

UC Davis

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Alyce S. Adams, PhD, MPP

Core Faculty


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Rita Hamad, MD, PhD

Core Faculty