Drs. Adams, Schillinger, Schmittdiel, and Karter collaboratively direct and oversee DREAMS-CDTR and serve as core faculty. Between them, they have many decades of experience studying diabetes and developing diabetes related clinical and policy solutions. Drs. Adams, Schillinger, Schmittdiel, and Karter also serve as DREAMS-CDTR core faculty.
Alyce S. Adams, PhD
Stanford Medicine Innovation Professor
Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health & of Health Policy, Stanford Medicine
Dean Schillinger, MD
Professor of Medicine in Residence, UCSF
Director, UCSF Health Communications Research Program
Division of General Internal Medicine and Center for Vulnerable Populations, San Francisco General Hospital
Julie A. Schmittdiel, PhD
Associate Director, Health Care Delivery and Policy, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research
Andrew J Karter, PhD
Associate Director
Research Scientist III, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research