Welcome from the Leadership
Welcome! The mission of the Department of Medicine's Community Partnership Program (DoM CPP) is to advance health and health equity in our local community through developing, coordinating, and sustaining partnerships between community organizations and the Department of Medicine and the broader School of Medicine.
Our program launched in 2022 to elevate and coordinate the mission of health equity by supporting community engagement across all 14 divisions in the DoM. It builds off the passion of diverse faculty endeavors in this space, and five years of foundational efforts within the Primary Care and Population Health division to develop intentional, respectful and sustainable partnerships with our local community health centers. We aim for a broad range of collaboration and partnerships, to build mutual benefit and exchange across the pillars of clinical care, education, and research.
We believe that building bridges between our academic institution and local community health organizations is key to health equity. We work in close alliance with our DoM’s Diversity and Inclusion team to ensure efforts to promote equity are reflected both internally and externally.
We seek to create many paths to community engagement. Whether you are a community member, a community-based organization, a current faculty, staff or trainee looking to collaborate, we invite you to explore with us how we can best work together to build mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources to improve local community health and health equity.
Jonathan G. Shaw, MD, MS
Associate Chair of Medicine for Community Partnership
Alexandria Blacker, MPH
Program Director, Community Partnership
Our Mission
To advance health and health equity in our local community through developing, coordinating, and sustaining partnerships between community organizations and the Department of Medicine.
Guiding Principles
We seek partnerships that are bi-directional and built on trust, mutual respect, and authenticity. Our program strives to prioritize community needs, especially for those populations that are disproportionately impacted by health inequities locally. We aim to lower the barriers for our community partners to access Stanford resources and our efforts are anti-racist and culturally grounded.
Are characterized by mutual trust, respect, and authenticity
Share the benefits of resources and accomplishments among all partners
Lower the barrier for community partners to access Stanford resources
Are committed to working together over the long term
Balance power and share resources
Prioritize communities that are disproportionately impacted by health inequities
Build on identified strengths and assets, to address unmet needs and increase capacity of all partners
Make clear and open communication an ongoing priority
Are anti-racist and culturally grounded
Community Partnership Program
Department of Medicine
Jonathan G. Shaw, MD, MS
Associate Chair of Medicine for Community Partnership
Alexandria Blacker, MPH
Program Director, Community Partnership