In the Press
June 6, 2019: Stem Cell Medicine Gets a Go To Guide Citing Proven Findings. SCOPE, Stanford Medicine.
Nov. 5, 2018: DNA Origami Triggers Tissue Generation in Early Development. Stanford Medicine.
Feb. 9, 2017: Stanford Scientists Describe Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Advances in Scientific Symposium. SCOPE, Stanford Medicine.
Feb. 2, 2017: Stanford Team is Growing Healthy Skin for Ill Patients. San Jose Mercury News.
Dec. 12, 2016: Stanford Lab Churns Out Gene Engineered Cells to Cure the Incurable. San Jose Mercury News.
Nov. 1, 2016: Gene Therapy for Blistering Skin Disease Appears to Enhance Healing in Clinical Trial. Stanford Medicine.
May 5, 2016: Emmy Nominated Video Shows Painful Reality of Living with the Rare Skin Disease EB. SCOPE, Stanford Medicine.
July 6, 2015: The Worse Disease You've Never Heard of: Stanford Researchers and Patients Battle EB. SCOPE, Stanford Medicine.
July 1, 2015: The Butterfly Effect. Stanford Medicine.
Nov. 26, 2014: Blistering Skin Disease May Be Treatable with Therapeutic Reprogramming. Stanford Medicine.
Mar. 13, 2010: Rays of Hope in Battling an Agonizing Disease. New York Times.