Computational Drug Repurposing for All Epidermolysis Bullosa Cases

Study Objectives & Details: The purpose of this study is to compare gene expression differences between EB patients and healthy individuals, and use this data to identify new therapeutic targets and drugs approved for other diseases that can be repurposed for all EB cases.

Enrollment: This trial is active and is currently enrolling patients.

Who Can Participate: Children and adults of any age with a diagnosis of Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (RDEB) or Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa (JEB).

Estimated Time Commitment (# of visits, etc.): Duration of the study for a patient is one to two visits to the Stanford Dermatology Clinic. During the first visit, a blood draw will be done and three skin biopsies will be collected under local anesthesia in about an hour long visit. If a second visit is needed to remove sutures, this will be done in about 10 minutes (most patients will not require a second visit). 

Study Location: Stanford Pediatric Dermatology Clinic - Palo Alto

Principal Investigator: Joyce M. Teng, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.D.

Compensation: $75 travel reimbursement for study participation link

How to Participate: For more information, call Elidia Tafoya at (650) 724-1982, Monica Martin (650) 723-0636, or email