Stanford Dermatology Grand Rounds Information for Doctors
We are delighted that you have an interest in participating in Dermatology Grand Rounds at Stanford University Medical Center. Grand Rounds is a part of the training and educational mission of the Department of Dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine. The mission of the department is teaching physicians about dermatology as well as providing patient care and research on dermatological diseases. Grand Rounds is a weekly patient care and education conference attended by University and community physicians, dermatologists, and medical trainees. Patients with disorders that are rare, difficult to treat, or challenging to diagnose are discussed. You may benefit from participating in this conference as many physicians will be carefully considering the cases presented. You may learn about new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of your condition.
Refer a patient
Dermatology Grand Rounds is an educational opportunity for you and your patients as well as our medical community. If you would like to refer a patient to Grand Rounds, you will be expected to prepare your patient for Grand Rounds, to accompany your patient, and to provide feedback to your patient based on the discussion at Grand Rounds. It is not the responsibility of Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital or the Department of Dermatology to communicate with the patient/participant any information that is discussed or obtained during or as a result of Grand Rounds.
Please inform your patient that Grand Rounds viewing is from 7:20am - 8:00am. They should arrive early in order to register, to review the consent forms, and to be photographed. Patient viewing usually begins at 7:30am.
Patient viewing at the Stanford Medicine Outpatient Center in Redwood City is in the 4th Floor Dermatology Clinic.
Directions & Parking
Parking and directions to the Grand Rounds Clinic at SMOC
The first Thursday of each month, Grand Rounds is held at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose. Patient viewing at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center is in the 5th Floor Dermatology Clinic of the South Bay Specialty Clinic. The Grand Rounds Conference is in the Basement Conference Room. Free parking for visitors and patients is in the Valley Specialty Center Building parking structure.
Maps and directions to the SCVMC
For questions regarding Grand Rounds or you would like to bring a patient to Grand Rounds, please send an email to
Grand Round Forms
Provided below are links to Grand Rounds relevant documents (pdf versions):
Grand Rounds Participant Letter - We require patients who attend Stanford Dermatology Grand Rounds to understand and sign this letter. In the letter you are the Referring/Treating Dermatologist and your patient is the Grand Rounds Participant.
Consent to Photograph - Your patient may or may not allow us to take photographs. Please review the consent with them as we think the educational value of Grand Rounds increases when we photograph your patient’s condition. Your patient may still participate in Grand Rounds even if they do not want their skin condition photographed. We will be using the photographs for teaching, research and for improving the whole Grand Rounds experience. If your patient agrees to allow us to photograph them, we will have them sign the consent when we meet them before Grand Rounds. Please do not ask them to sign the consent. We will have additional copies of the letter, map and photograph consent available if you need more. You may pick them up at Grand Rounds. Note that this form is not available in pdf form. You and your patient will be provided with the form to sign at Grand Rounds.
CME Credit -The Stanford University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.