News - The Mark M. Davis Lab
The Davis Lab in the News
Stanford Medicine Newswire
Stanford Medicine Magazine Articles
Fall 2014
How Mark Davis snared a gene and explained one of our immune system’s greatest mysteries
Summer 2011
Tapping the immune systems secrets
Scope Blog Posts
April 6, 2015
Frenemies: Chronic cytomegalovirus infection boosts flu vaccination efficacy (IF you’re young)
January 15, 2015
In human defenses against disease, environment beats heredity, study of twins shows
November 10, 2014
Knight in lab: In days of yore, postdoc armed with quaint research tools found immunology's Holy Grail
December 23, 2013
In men, a high testosterone count can mean a low immune response
July 22, 2013
Best thing since sliced bread? A (potential) new diagnostic for celiac disease
February 7, 2013
Deja Vu: Adults' immune systems "remember" microscopic monsters they've never seen before
February 7, 2013
Deja Vu: Adults' immune systems "remember" microscopic monsters they've never seen before
January 18, 2012
Immunology escapes from the mouse trap
July 22, 2011
Immunology meets infotech
April 11, 2011
Mice to men: Immunological research vaults into the 21st century