Czechowicz Lab Related News
Sep September 23 Wed 2020
Dr. Agnieszka Czechowicz Named a Hyundai Hope Scholar
Cancer research at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford received a push forward thanks to a generous grant from the Hyundai Hope On Wheels Foundation. The $300,000 Hyundai Hope Scholar award will support Agnieszka Czechowicz, MD, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics (stem cell and transplantation) at Stanford University School of Medicine, and her research to find better treatments and a cure for pediatric cancer.
Jul July 12 Thu 2018
Czechowicz Lab Awarded Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Grant
The Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (FARF) is the world leader in advancing research for better treatments and a cure for Fanconi anemia. Founded in 1989 by parents Lynn and David Frohnmayer, FARF has supported more than 232 grants to 74 institutions and 152 investigators worldwide. FARF has chosen to fund the Czechowicz lab in 'Development of a safe, completely non-genotoxic anti-Kit antibody-based conditioning regimen for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Fanconi Anemia' with a total award amount of $180,000.
May May 17 Thu 2018
Rocket Pharmaceuticals Announces Strategic Research Collaboration
Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a leading U.S.-based multi-platform gene therapy company, and the Stanford University School of Medicinetoday announced a strategic collaboration to support the advancement of Fanconi Anemia (FA) and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD) gene therapy research.
May May 17 Thu 2018
CDCM Announces Strategic Research Collaboration
The Center for Definitive and Curative Medicine (CDCM) at Stanford Medicine has entered into a collaborative research agreement with Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ( to further the CDCM’s mission of curing the seemingly incurable.
Feb February 28 Wed 2018
Using antibody in treatment of ‘bubble boy disease’ shows early promise
In a clinical trial, participants were given an antibody to CD117, a cell surface marker, in an effort to wipe out their defective blood stem cells without high-risk chemotherapy or radiation.
Jul July 24 Mon 2017
Stanford announces new Center for Definitive and Curative Medicine
The new Stanford Center for Definitive and Curative Medicine will work to turn discoveries into stem cell and gene therapies to aid the millions of people who have genetic diseases.
Dec December 02 Fri 2016
Magenta Therapeutics Scientific Co-founders Present New Stem Cell Biology Data and Honored at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting
Scientfic founders to present new data from ongoing studies. Agnieszka Czechowicz recieves ASH Abstract Achievement Award. David Scadden receives the E. Donnall Thomas Lectureship and Prize for his pioneering work in stem cell biology.
Nov November 16 Wed 2016
Tackling blood diseases, immune disorders
Startup Magenta Therapeutics licenses technologies from Harvard, MGH, and Boston Children’s that could help transform treatment
Aug August 10 Wed 2016
Researchers devise method for bone marrow transplants without using chemotherapy
Scientists have devised a way to destroy blood stem cells in mice without using chemotherapy or radiotherapy, both of which have toxic side effects.
Nov November 28 Wed 2007
Stem cell transplant can grow new immune system in certain mice
Researchers at the School of Medicine have taken a small but significant step, in mouse studies, toward the goal of transplanting adult stem cells to create a new immune system for people with autoimmune or genetic blood diseases.
Nov November 27 Tue 2007
PRESS RELEASE: Stem cell transplant can grow new immune system in certain mice
Stem cell transplant can grow new immune system in certain mice, Stanford researchers find
Nov November 27 Tue 2007
Treatment of leukemia without chemotherapy?
Treatment of leukemia without fatally dead radio or chemotherapy? Much indicates that in the future it will be possible. This is the revolutionary American method scientists from Stanford University are working on for fighting the disease.
Nov November 23 Fri 2007
Stem cells may boost transplants
“Thousands of patients with ailments such as multiple sclerosis and sickle cell disease have been given new hope that cell transplants could offer a more effective way to treat them” reported The Daily Telegraph . The conditions “caused when the immune system becomes faulty” can be “cured” by transplanting stem cells to “effectively transplant the donor’s immune system and cure the condition.”