Proposal Submission Process


Applying for a major research or team science grant, email Liz at

Applying for a fellowship or career development award, email Brandi at

Submitting a progress report or other support, email Jenn at


All applications for external grants and fellowships must go through the Research Management Group.


What is the Research Management Group (“RMG”)?

The Research Management Group is the central office that houses Research Process Managers (RPM)/ Institutional Officials (IO) in the School of Medicine at Stanford University.


Grant and Fellowship RMG Internal Deadlines

30-90 days before sponsor deadline

-         Submit PIF and begin budget dialog with your Research Process Manager at RMG

At least 6 weeks before

-         If project involves collaborations with other universities, begin the budget dialog. Subcontracts add more time to the budgeting process

10 business days before

-         Internal budget finalized

-         PI waiver approved (if needed)

-         Items from each subaward received and finalized (OSR Form 33, NIH R&R Subagreement Budget, Budget Justification, Statement of Work, Facilities & Other Resources, Equipment, & Biosketches for Senior/Key Personnel)

5 business days before

-         Administrative sections of the proposal finalized (everything but the final Specific Aims, Research Strategy & References)

3 business days before

-         Technical sections of the proposal finalized (final Specific Aims, Research Strategy & References)

Progress Report (RPPR) RMG Internal Deadlines

5 business days before

-         The budget (if needed), all personnel report, and the publication list should be finalized & uploaded in the submission portal