Grant Writing Courses


Route to Getting Grants (R2G2). R2G2 is a seminar series specifically designed for junior faculty. Sessions cover all aspects of grant writing, delivered through panel sessions, workshops and focused talks. Sign up for the listserv here


R01 Countdown. This is a 4-month program that provides detailed instructor and small group feedback on junior faculty’s NIH R-series grant submissions during their second or third year. Program participants meet weekly as a small group with a grant writing instructor in 90-minute sessions. The first four classes focus on mastering specific grantsmanship and scientific writing strategies. Weekly homework assignments focus on improving one’s own grant sections and editing colleagues’ sections. The remaining classes focus on constructive critiques of one’s own and colleagues’ drafts of grant sections using the strategies learned in the first four classes. Each week, 3-4 course participants present drafts for 20-30 minutes each and are expected to present their drafts 4 times during the 4-month course.