Welcome to the Stanford Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Program
Our mission is to train future academic leaders in Cardiovascular Medicine through a tripartite commitment to clinical care, research, and education. Therefore, we aim to:
- Expose our highly accomplished fellows to a rigorous, comprehensive, clinical training environment;
- Foster a mentored research training plan according to the scientific aspirations of the trainees;
- Embody a nurturing, collaborative educational environment necessary to embolden our trainees as they charter their independent, lifetime careers.
Thank you for your interest in the Stanford General Cardiology Medicine Fellowship program. Please explore all the opportunities our program has to offer and contact us with any questions.
Joshua Knowles, MD, PhD, Program Director
Risheen Reejhsinghani, MD, Associate Program Director
Stephanie Hsiao, MD, Associate Program Director
"The Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship Program at Stanford University offers a rigorous but collegial training environment for individuals with an interest in developing an academic career. Intensive, individually tailored training in invasive and noninvasive clinical cardiology as well as in basic and/or clinical cardiovascular research prepares each fellow to pursue their career at the forefront of cardiology."
Cardiovascular Medicine General Cardiology Faculty and Fellows Insight Corner
Faculty and fellows share personal insights into what makes them excited about being at Stanford - including diverse research interests, breadth and depth of training and clinical experiences, life in the Bay Area, robust mentor-mentee relationships, and learning how to be a leader in Cardiovascular Medicine.
Diversity and Inclusion
Our division is committed to continuous and active anti-racist efforts spanning our tripartite missions of education, research and patient care. Our division is proud to have contributed at a scholarly level to the identification of cardiovascular healthcare disparities, and at a leadership level to both educate the healthcare community and design effective strategies to address disparities. At present, approximately 10% of our faculty are from groups historically underrepresented in medicine (UIM), including three tenure track faculty members hired within the last few years. Over the last 10 years, approximately 10% of our fellows have come from underrepresented racial/ethnic minority groups. We recognize that much remains to be done in this area. Our fellowship review process is holistic, taking into account barriers overcome by applicants as well as their accomplishments. Our goal is to recruit and retain fellows and faculty who reflect the diversity of the United States. We believe this will better serve our patients and help to eliminate disparities on the basis of race, gender identify, and sexual orientation which persist in this country and in the U.S. healthcare system.
The national underrepresentation of women in cardiology and its subspecialties is well documented. While women now comprise over 50% of internal medicine residents, only 30% of cardiology fellowship applicants are women and only 15% of academic cardiology faculty are women. Over the last few years, our division has been proud to have more than doubled the number of women on our faculty. Currently, approximately 30% of our faculty are women, and women are represented in all affinity groups within the Division. Within the last 10 years, about 35% of our cardiology fellows have been women. Our faculty have contributed seminal work on potential causes for these gaps, and as a division, we strive to actively recruit, mentor, support and advocate for women (including through an active Women in Cardiology mentorship group) on their journey to be leaders in cardiovascular medicine.