Resident Fellowship

R38 Stanford Integrated Cardiovascular/
Pulmonary Residency Research Training Program

A Multidisciplinary NIH/NHLBI Resident Training Program

Program Overview

The R38 StARR (Stimulating Access to Research in Residency) program is funded by the NHLBI of the NIH. The program is designed to recruit and train resident-investigators in cardio-pulmonary research and to accelerate their development into independent clinician-investigators. This program is designed for individuals who have completed a significant portion of their clinical training (~2 years) and have developed a clinical and research focus. Residents will primarily be selected from Stanford residency programs, but we also encourage residents at other institutions to apply. During the StARR program, clinical responsibilities are less than 20% of time, per NIH requirements

R38 resident-investigators trainees Stanford Integrated Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Residency Research Training Program receive the following opportunities and programming to help secure their future success:

Research and Career Advice

— Trainees meet quarterly with R38 directors for feedback on their projects and career goals as well as discussions about topics relevant to academic research.

— R38 trainees also have prioritized access to mentors in the CVI Mentorship Program, to build out their Mentorship network.

— Short presentations at the Annual CVI Trainee Review Meeting also provide the trainees with feedback on their research and career trajectory from their peers and senior CVI scientists.

Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research Training

— Auditing two quarters MED223 provides the trainees with a broad foundation in cardiovascular and pulmonary research topics   

— MED255 is a short and extremely valuable course on the responsible conduct of research.

Conferences and Invited Talks

— $3000 per year is available for travel- and conference-related expenses.

— Trainees are invited to present at CVI's monthly Research Roundtable Series.

— Trainees are also invited to participate in CVI's annual Early Career Symposium, at which they are eligible for a presentation award.

Additional Benefits

— Trainees may request grant and manuscript feedback and support from CVI staff, as well as write-ups of their publications for CVI's website.

— As members of CVI, R38 trainees are eligible for CVI's Manuscript and Travel Awards.

Application Procedure


— You must have MD or dual degree with MD

— Must be a US citizen or permanent resident

— Must be in a residency program

Materials required for application submission:

— Current CV

— Reference letters are not required, but if you would like to submit them, please send to:

Deadline: March 15, 2025, for a July 1, 2025, start date


Micaela L. Harris
Education and Outreach Administrator

Adrienne Mueller, PhD
Assoc Director of Scientific Education and Outreach

Cardiovascular Institute
265 Campus Drive, G1120; MC-5454
Stanford, CA 94305
(650) 725-7964

Joseph Wu, MD, PhD
Program Director

Michael Fischbein, MD, PhD
Program Director

Marlene Rabinovitch, MD
Program Director

Download the flyer

Potential R38 Mentors

Cardiovascular Medicine

Daniel Bernstein, MD
Michael Kapiloff, MD, PhD
Kiran Khush, MD
Joshua Knowles, MD, PhD
Nicholas Leeper, MD
Mark Mercola, PhD
Philip Tsao, PhD
Ronald Witteles, MD
Joseph Wu, MD, PhD
Sean Wu, MD, PhD


Christin Kuo, MD

Cardiothoracic Surgery

Michael Fischbein, MD, PhD
Ngan Huang, PhD
Joseph Woo, MD


Vinicio de Jesus Perez, MD
Mark Krasnow, MD, PhD
Calvin Kuo, MD, PhD
Mark Nicolls, MD
Marlene Rabinovitch, MD

Women’s Health

Marcia Stefanick, PhD

Vascular Surgery

Ronald Dalman, MD
Jason Lee, MD


Sarah Heilshorn, PhD
Alison Marsden, PhD

Population Health

Mark Hlatky, MD
Latha Palaniappan, MD