Ventricular Recruitment and Remodeling

Device - Next Generation Ex Vivo Simulation

As our comfort level with congenital heart surgery has grown, there is a growing interest in intracardiac repairs of complex congenital heart lesions.

CFD and Generative AI Modeling

We are employing computational simulation and generative modeling methods for use in surgical planning, in close collaboration with the Marsden Lab. Many complex congenital heart operations are performed using artisanal surgical experience that is prone to trial and error or simply unavailable in the vast majority of healthcare systems for lack of expertise and experience. Optimization of such repairs preoperatively, using simulation with computational fluid dynamics coupled with generative AI-based model construction, is poised to expand access to care for children afflicted by such conditions.

SDF4CHD: Generative modeling of cardiac anatomies with congenital heart defects

Pre-Surgery Borderline Single Ventricle Physiology Patch Design

Device - 3D Printed Ventricular Sheet

Piglet VSD model and Advanced 3D-Printed Patch Integration

Device - Epicardial Stretch