Department research and clinical expertise showcased at the 2021 WTSA Annual Meeting

by Roxanna Van Norman
October 11, 2021

The Western Thoracic Surgical Association (WTSA) hosted its 48th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, from September 29 to October 2, 2021. This scientific meeting convened together scientists and surgeons to present and discuss topics in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. The symposium featured several scientific presentations, including three abstracts from the Department’s faculty and residents.

For more information, visit the WTSA website.

Presenter: Catherine Byrd, MD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Samson Prize Finalist

Outcomes for endoscopic resection versus esophagectomy in patients with low- and high-risk cT1bN0 esophageal cancer
Catherine Byrd, Prasha Bhandari, Natalie S. Lui, Leah M. Backhus, Mark F. Berry, Joseph B. Shrager, Douglas Z. Liou

Presenter: Richard Mainwaring, MD

Clinical Professor
Cardiothoracic Surgery

Irmina Elliott, MD

Cardiothoracic Surgery

Half of Anastomotic Leaks after Esophagectomy are Undetected on Initial Postoperative Esophagram
Irmina A. Elliott, Mark F. Berry, Winston Trope, Natalie S. Lui, Brandon A. Guenthart, Douglas Z. Liou, Richard I. Whyte, Leah M. Backhus, Joseph B. Shrager