Additional Resources

  • CITI Training- Human Subjects Research Protection and Good Clinical Practice 
    Stanford provides access to required training through an interactive online tutorial, the CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Course in The Protection of Human Research Subjects.
  • Clinical Research Support Office (CRSO)
    Enabling innovative, high-quality research is critical to fulfilling the mission of Stanford Children’s Health (SCH). The Clinical Research Support Office, under the direction of MCHRI, provides operational, informatics, regulatory, and other needed support for the execution of studies at SCH. The CRSO supports MCHRI strategic goals by addressing critical challenges in research infrastructure and developing solutions to enhance research collaboration between the School of Medicine and Stanford Children’s Health.  
    CRSO serves as a resource for physician, nurse, and allied health researchers, as well as all hospital Departments and services lines to enable efficient and compliant conduct of maternal and pediatric clinical research.  The CRSO team is available to provide strategic direction, operational support, informatics solutions and other assistance for maternal and child health clinical research projects.
  • Compliance Training for PI and Research Team 
    Stanford research must conform to federal, state and local laws as well as university policies and sponsor requirements and the award terms and conditions.
  • Data Use Agreement (DUA)  
    A data use agreement (DUA) is an agreement that is required under the Privacy Rule and must be entered into before there is any use or disclosure of a limited data set to an outside institution or party.  A limited data set is still protected health information (PHI), and for that reason, covered entities like Stanford must enter into a data use agreement with any recipient of a limited data set from Stanford. 
  • Dean of Research (Do Research)
    This office recommends and promulgates new research policy and oversees implementation and exceptions. 
  • Epic Access 
    SCH & SHC  Epic access for researchers may be requested after completion of required privacy trainings as outlined in this link.  Additional requests may be made for SCH monitor access, interpreter services, and additional research related Epic requests.  
  • Industrial Contracts Office (ICO)
    The Industrial Contracts Office (ICO) negotiates industry sponsored research agreements, all material transfer agreements and related research agreements.  If your research will involve interactions with, or funding from, industry, or if you need research materials from labs outside Stanford, the ICO will negotiate and sign your agreements on behalf of the University.  ICO works in close collaboration with research and administrative offices throughout Stanford and advises other University offices on intellectual property terms and related policies.  The ICO is part of the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) -- Stanford's technology transfer office.
  • Informatics/Research IT
    Research IT exists to supply infrastructure, tools, and services used by researchers, patients/participants, and clinicians to collect and combine data to make discoveries and to improve human health and wellness.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB)
    The Institutional Review Board is a federally mandated panel comprised of faculty members, students and community members that oversees the protection of human participants in research at Stanford.
  • Maternal & Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI)
    The Maternal and Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI) accelerates Stanford discoveries to improve the health of pregnant women and children by fostering transdisciplinary research in the pre-clinical, clinical, and basic sciences. The MCHRI works in partnership with the Stanford Children’s Health - Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford (LPCH), the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health (LPFCH), and the Stanford School of Medicine (SOM). 
  • Office of Sponsored Research (OSR)
    The Office of Sponsored Research handles grants and contracts funded by the federal government and other non-industry research sponsors.
  • Office of Technology Licensing (OTL)
    The Office of Technology Licensing is responsible for administering the university’s invention reporting and licensing program, evaluating inventions, deciding whether to file patents, and negotiating licensing agreements with industry.
  • Quantitative Sciences Unit (QSU)
    QSU is comprised of statistical scientists with expertise in missing data, prediction modeling, statistical computing, database creation, and software development.
  • Research Compliance Office (RCO)
    The Research Compliance Office (RCO) is responsible for oversight and management of Stanford’s Administrative (Compliance) Panels and ensures compliance with applicable policies, accreditation standards and external regulations.
  • Research Management Group (RMG)
    The Research Management Group approves and submits grant proposals and prepares budgets for externally funded projects in the School of Medicine.
  • Spectrum – The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education
    Spectrum is an independent, interdisciplinary center that facilitates clinical and translational research across the university.
  • Stanford Research Development Office (SRDO) 
    The Stanford Research Development Office (SRDO) assists medical school investigators coordinate and prepare grant applications for large multidisciplinary biomedical projects. It also helps early career scholars fund their first independent research projects.
  • Stanford Research Repository (STARR) Tools 
    The Stanford Research Repository, or STARR, is Stanford Medicine's approved resource for working with clinical data for research purposes. The STARR IRB permits the collection and aggregation of all clinical data generated at Stanford for care purposes, and articulates the formal approval process each research project must follow in order to obtain and work with this data for research purposes.  STARR is the home of the stride/web tools for Cohort Discovery and Chart Review.
  • University Privacy Office
    The Stanford University Privacy Office is committed to working with parties across the Stanford community to protect the integrity of data collected, created, transmitted, released and stored by Stanford affiliates and entities.   In support of our effort to protect data, we work with stakeholders throughout the Stanford community to provide training, guidance and consultation in furtherance of the University's mission, and applicable privacy laws and regulations.