
Three Year Curriculum:

Year 1          

Year 2

Year 3

Within the first three months of appointment you must meet with mentor.

Complete initial IDP (individual development plan)

Complete annual IDP

Complete annual IDP

Start of research with mentor/co-mentors

Continuation of research and prepare/submit manuscripts

Continuation of research and prepare/submit manuscripts

Audit 2 courses:

1 Mandatory Core Course and
1 Mandatory Background Course

Audit 2 elective courses

Presentations at national conferences

Attend Seminars

Attend Seminars

Attend Seminars

Participate in Cancer-TNT Quarterly Meetings

Participate in Cancer-TNT Quarterly Meetings

Participate in Cancer-TNT Quarterly Meetings

Sceintific Management Series (SMS) for Postdocs Topics in Scientific Managment (INDE230)


Online HIPPA Training & Clinical Tutorial (2-3 hours) in Hematology/Oncology Rounds


Radiation Safety Training (EHS5250) and Animal Care and Use Training (waived if no animal use in reserach)

Mock grant application in area of innovative cancer nanotechnology research


Training in Nanocharacterization Lab for those with a cancer biology background

Grant Writing Academy



Protection of Human Research Subjects - Group 1 (waived if no human subjects use in research)    
The Responsible Conduct Research (MED 255) 
Contact Briana Evans to register