High School Student Stanford Summer Internship
This course schedule serves as a framework for Programs 1 and 2.
Changes will be made to adapt to student needs, instructors, and/or available resources.
Daily attendance for the full term is required.
Weeks 1 and 2
Curriculum & Outcomes
Lecture Topics: Cardiac Surgery
Biology and Physiology
Electrocardiogram and Stress Testing
Echocardiography and Cardiac Imaging
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Coronary Artery Disease
Cardiac Valve Disease
Aortic Disease and Surgery
Heart Transplant
Congenital/Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Lecture Topics: Thoracic Surgery
Biology and Physiology
Lung Cancer and Surgery
Esophageal Cancer and Surgery
Technical Skills Sessions
Knot Tying
The student will learn how to tie the one-handed knot and two-handed knot, along with instrument knot-tying and other variations.
Handling of Surgical Instruments
The student will learn how to handle and use surgical instruments, including various needle holders, forceps, scissors, and scalpel. Surgical instruments, sutures, and other supplies will be provided.
Incisions and Suturing
The student will learn how to suture surgical incisions using simulated models using simple, continuous, mattress and subcuticular sutures. The student will also learn technical skills used in coronary artery bypass, cardiac valve, and aortic surgery using custom simulators.
Introduction to Porcine Heart Dissection
To better appreciate the structures of the heart, pig heart prosections will be carried out.