Irving Weissman had an unconventional start in science. The son of a hardware store operator and grandson of a fur trader, he learned lifelong lessons in research at the McLaughlin Research Institute in Montana.
A small subset of colon cancers lacks the CDX2 protein - a hallmark of colon tissue maturation. Patients with these cancers may benefit more than others from chemotherapy.
When mice with gut bacteria from a human were put on a low-fiber diet, the diversity of their intestinal inhabitants plummeted. Four generations on a low-fiber diet caused irreversible losses.
Crystal Mackall will lead the university's efforts to translate basic science discoveries into immune-based treatments for pediatric and adult cancers.
Listing Oswaldo Jimenez for a transplant was just the beginning. His doctors needed to perform what is referred to as a "bridge-to-transplant" solution, one that would sustain his organs until transplant could be done.
What should have been one of the Catalano family's happiest moments quickly turned somber as they feared that the condition the newest addition to their family faced was serious.
After a career packed with discoveries, the developmental biologist has turned her attention to the threat of emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.
The dean of the School of Medicine hopes the country's leaders will set their sights higher in their quest to improve the health of the American people.