
The Master of Laboratory Animal Science is a self-funded graduate program.

The Department of Comparative Medicine does not typically offer a financial aid package. However, there is limited funding for exceptional circumstances, which the Chair will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.  

Prospective students are encouraged to seek funding through:

  • Graduate financial aid at Stanford.
  • The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program cultivates and supports a highly engaged, multidisciplinary and multicultural community of graduate students from across Stanford University, and delivers a diverse collection of educational experiences, preparing graduates to address complex challenges facing the world. Knight-Hennessy Scholars participate in an experiential leadership development program known as the King Global Leadership Program and receive funding for up to three years of graduate study at Stanford. Two applications must be submitted separately; one to Knight-Hennessy by the Knight-Hennessy's deadline, and one to the Stanford graduate degree program by its deadline. Visit to learn more and apply.
  • Research or teaching assistantship opportunities are available in other Stanford departments.

Coterminal Stanford Student Funding (For Currently Enrolled Stanford Undergraduates):

Access to financial aid and other options is different for coterminal students and depends on the number of units and quarters as a registered student at Stanford.

Coterminal students have full access to undergraduate sources of financial aid until their twelfth quarter or four years of study. Coterminal students who have completed 180 units are eligible for University fellowships and assistantships. However, many federal and private fellowships and assistantships are awarded only to students who have received the bachelor's degree. Even after the conferral of the bachelors, there is no guarantee that a coterminal student will be awarded financial support via RA-ship, TA-ship or fellowship.

Upon completion of the requirements for the bachelor's degree, coterms may choose to obtain their bachelor's degree early. However, all classes after conferral of the degree may only be counted towards the graduate degree. Please note, part of the strategy which allows coterms maximal flexibility in their course of study is their dual status as both undergraduates and graduate students.