‘Voices of the Community’ mosaic project enters final months
Attendees of this year’s Health Matters create drawings in the “Voices of the Community” tent.
Michael Rubyan
Community members still have time to participate in a digital mosaic project that will celebrate the opening of the new Stanford Hospital in 2019.
Local families shared their creativity and excitement about the opening of the new hospital at a recent art collection event.
Michael Rubyan
Thousands of drawings are being collected and will be assembled into a digital mosaic that will depict the new hospital. To contribute a drawing, stop by the Stanford Health Library’s main branch in the Hoover Pavilion (211 Quarry Road in Palo Alto) or the Cancer Center South Bay (2589 Samaritan Drive in San Jose) during business hours. Community members can also attend one of several collection events this fall, or sign up to host an interactive “Voices of the Community” collection at their school, club or block party.
Go to voices.stanford.edu for information on how to host a collection or to see a list of upcoming events. Artwork can also be submitted through the project’s website.