Lab Equipment 


Specialized MRI Equipment:

  • Three OCRA Tabletop Mid-Field (0.26T) MRI Systems – Rapid prototyping and testing of new sequences and applications.
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging Phantom – Single Strand phantom [1] used to mimic the anisotropic diffusion in white matter of the brain.
  • Magnetic Field Cameras – Two dynamic field cameras (Skope MR Technologies Inc., Zurich, Switzerland), each with 16 NMR probes capable of measuring gradient waveform imperfections, dynamic changes in B0, and transient fields including eddy currents and gradient cross terms on both 3T GE and 3T Siemens MRI systems.
  • Cardiovascular Flow Pump – Programmable, pulsatile, MRI-compatible flow pump (CardioFlow 5000 MR, Shelley Medical Imaging Technologies), capable of flow rates of 1-300ml/s 
  • Two MRI-compatible linear motion stages – (MR-1A-XRV2, Shelley Medical Imaging Technologies) to replicate user defined dynamic and periodic motion profiles in phantoms; The devices have a motion range of ±25mm with absolute displacement error of 0.025±0.021mm. The motion stages can generate forces up to 20N at speeds ranging from 8-40mm/s. 
  • Spherical R2* phantom (Model 300, Calimetrix) for validating MR-based R2* quantification (12 vials, R2* range: [15, 1000] 1/s)  
  • Spherical T1 phantom (Model 300, Calimetrix) for validating MR-based T1 quantification (12 vials, T1 range: [100, 1200]ms) 
  • Spherical Proton-Density fat-fraction (PDFF) phantom (Model 300, Calimetrix) for validating MR-based fat quantification (12 vials, PDFF: [2.5, 100]%) 
  • Eight channel data acquisition devices with one four channel bridge amplifier (PowerLab 8/35, Quad Bridge Amp, ADInstruments) 
  • Diffusion phantom (Diffusion Standard Model 128, QalibreMD, Inc.) for ADC quantification (13 vials, ADC range: [0.128-1.127] 10-3mm2/s) 
  • ACR MRI Phantom, acrylic hollow cylinder filled with a solution of nickel chloride and sodium chloride. Inside the phantom are several structures designed to facilitate a variety of tests of scanner performance 
  • Three pressure transducers with 5F tip size and 120cm transducer length (SPR-350(S) MicroTip, Millar) for cardiovascular applications in large animals and in vitro models (e.g., 3D printed vascular structures); transducer calibration and verification of linearity, gain, and accuracy with Delta-CalTM calibration device (Utah Medical Products Inc.) with 1mmHg reading accuracy 
  • One 3-axis Hall magnetometer (Metrolab Technology SA) for the static magnetic field mapping (magnetic field range: [0.008,3]T) 
  • One MRI-compatible ultrasonic flow sensor (14PXL clamp-on, Transonic Systems Inc), capable of measuring flow volumes of up to 12.5l/min at a resolution of 25ml/min. The flow sensor is calibrated for glycerol-water solution (ratio: 40%/60%, temperature: 23°C) 
  • One single channel flow module with console (TS410, Transonic Systems Inc.), compatible flow sensor 


3D-Printing Equipment:

  • The Ennis lab has a fused deposition modeling 3D printer (Ultimaker, Ultimaker 3 Extended) and a stereolithography resin printer (Form 3, Formlabs) for rapid prototyping of molds for casting as well as making customized MR phantoms. These printers can print flexible materials (NinjaFlex), stiff materials (Polylactic Acid, etc.), and water-soluble support material (Polyvinyl Alcohol).  In addition, the lab has a heating vacuum oven (Across International), a vacuum pump (HFS), and a vacuum chamber (SUNCOO) to cure casted materials. Furthermore, the lab has access to the 3DQLAB 3D printing facilities within Stanford Radiology, which includes high-end resin printers (PolyJet J735, Stratasys and Form 2, Formlabs) that are capable of printing water-tight (Agilus 30 or 60 with VeroClear sealant) and true-to-scale vessel and heart models with varying material stiffness (compliant to rigid) properties.  


Computer Resources: 

  • Mac Pro (3GHz 8-core Xeon E5, 2TB Fusion drive, 128GB RAM, AMD FirePro graphics, and 4K display) 
  • Two iMac (4GHz 4-core Corei7, 3TB Fusion drive, 16GB RAM, AMD Radeon R9 M395X, 5K display) 
  • Mac Mini (2.7GHz Intel Corei7, 500GB SSD, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6630M, 1080p display) 
  • Mac Mini (2.5GHz Intel Corei7, 1TB Fusion drive, 16GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000, and 4K display) 
  • Two Mac Mini (3.0GHz 6-Core Processor with Turbo Boost up to 4.1GHz 512GB Storage) 
  • PC (3.6GHz Corei7, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 760Ti 2 GB, 1080p display) 
  • Linux server (Intel Core2 Q6600 2.4GHz, 3GB RAM, 750GB HDD, NVIDIA Quadro FX 580 512MB) 
  • PC (3.2GHz Intel Corei7, 547GB SSD, 1.81TB HDD, 64GB RAM, 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 11GB) 
  • PC (4.0GHz Intel Core i7, 1 TB SSD + 2 TB HDD, 64 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 6GB) 
  • Compute Server (2x 16 core 2.6GHz, 1TB RAM, 8x 4TB SSD, 4x NVIDIA Turing Titan RTX 24GB)