AS4DF: Aortic Stiffness 4D Flow
The AS4DF (Aortic Stiffness 4D Flow) data includes magnetic resonance imaging data of a subject-specific thoracic aorta model embedded into a physiological flow circuit. The aorta model was manufactured using compliant 3D-printing technology. Multiple imaging experiments were performed on multiple models that differed regarding wall compliance. The acquired data includes 2D phase contrast, 2D gradient echo cine, 3D spoiled gradient echo, and 4D-flow (at three temporal resolutions). The data set also includes .stl files of the aortic wall polygon mesh used for 3D-printing, and .stl files of customized barbed connectors.
Please refer to the attached readme.txt for further details.
If you use this dataset as part of your research, please cite the following publication:
Zimmermann, J et al. On the impact of vessel wall stiffness on quantitative flow dynamics in a synthetic model of the thoracic aorta. Sci Rep 11, 6703 (2021).