(Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect)

For patients coming in to our hospitals and clinics, LPCH has a screening program designed to recognize, respond to and manage cases of suspected non-accidental trauma (physical or sexual) and harm caused by neglect.

Our mission

Our mission is to promote health and healing by preventing, identifying, and helping manage cases of abused or neglected children. Our comprehensive, regional approach strives to end the cycle of violence and promote resiliency through education, treatment, prevention and advocacy.

The SCAN Team is comprised of:

  • a medical Director board certified in Child Abuse Pediatrics
  • another Physician board certified in Child Abuse Pediatrics
  • a Program Manager licensed in Clinical Social Work

Services Provided

The SCAN Team is available to:

  • Consult with inpatient and outpatient providers on suspected maltreatment
  • Educate and train medical students, residents and staff on child abuse issues
  • Liaise between medical providers, child protection, law enforcement and the courts
  • Support and promote trauma-informed care throughout the health care system 
  • Establish partnerships for community engagement and collaboration aimed at eliminating abuse and neglect

The SCAN team also hosts a monthly SCAN Committee meeting that reviews trauma and child protection cases to develop process improvements, as well as to discuss departmental and interagency collaboration. If you would like to attend a meeting or join the SCAN Committee, please contact

More Information

For more information about the SCAN Team, mandated reporting and resources, please visit the SCAN team webpage on the LPCH Intranet.


Urgent consultation:
page 2-SCAN (2-7226)

Non-urgent consultation:

Questions/training requests:
SCAN Program Manager
