Clinic Visits - CF Care Team - Emeryville
If this is your first visit here at the Center, you probably have lots of questions...
- What will happen?
- Who will I see?
- Where do I go?
- Why are they doing that?
- How will I ever remember all of this?
Hopefully, this guide will help you to understand some of what has to be done.
Pediatric Clinic Information
Location: Map to Emeryville Clinic
6121 Hollis Street, Suite 2, Emeryville, CA 94608
Information to Bring to Each Clinic Visit
- Insurance card
- Authorization from your HMO or PPO
- Name and phone number of at least one contact person
- List of current medications
- List of treatments currently done; respiratory treatments, feeding information
- Health history since last visit: include any illnesses (current or since last clinic visit), pediatrician visits, new medications or allergies
- Your list of questions or concerns
- Don't forget your PASSPORT
- The receptionist will sign you in and let clinic staff know you are here. Don't forget to bring your insurance information.
- The medical assistant will call you in and check vital signs: height, weight, temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.
- The nurse will review medications and take a brief medical history. Your doctor will do a physcial exam and further review your medical history and go over any recent illnesses, testing done at visit or prior to visit. If testing was done at an outside facility, please bring records/DVD with you to visit.
- The dietician will help you with your diet, meal planning, food behaviors, enzyme dosing, and stooling issues.
- The respiratory therapist will do spirometry tests, if you are old enough, that show how your lungs are functioning. In addition, the RT will explain and review airway clearance choices, (CPT, Vest, Aeorbika), review cleaning of your respiratory equipment, which nebulizers go with certain medications, and sequence of nebulized medicaitons
- The social worker will help you get connected to various resources, support groups, school documents, disability for college students, setting up 504 plans and/or accomodations for school, can refer for financial support.
- Additional Information
- A sputum culture is done at every visit, if you are sick, additional testing will be ordered at visit.
- Please let your CF team know if you need any refills on your medications.
- CF Action plan will be given and discussed with you prior to leaving.
- You will be told when you should come back to clinic.
- And the last step... the receptionist will make an appointment for your next clinic visit.
Some tests that are usually done:
- Sweat chloride: a laboratory test used to assist with diagnosing Cystic Fibrosis
- Spirometry: lung function tests
- Chest x-ray: done annually to detect subtle changes in the lungs
- Sputum culture: a test of the matter that is coughed up from the lungs
- CF Annual studies: click here
- Emeryville Office
- Nurse Coordinator, (Neetu) 650-724-8414, Office hours 8-4:30 M-F
- Respiratory Therapist/Pulmonary Function Tech (Lorraine) 510-587-9631, Office hours Tues-Fri 8-4:30
- Social Work,(Teresa) 925-357-0733, Office Hours 8-4:30 Tues/Thurs, 8:30-12:30 Fridays
- Dietician, (Mikaela) Office Hours Tuesday/Thurs 8-4:30
Karen Hardy, MD
Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division
Eric Zee, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division
Manisha Newaskar, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division
Rachna Wadia, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division
Nurse Coordinator
Mikaela Burns, RD
Pediatric Dietitian
Respiratory Therapist
Lorraine Macphee, RRT
Pediatric Respiratory Therapy Care
Social Worker
Teresa Priestley, MSW
Pediatric Social Worker