Family Centered Care
The Cystic Fibrosis Parent Advisory Council is supported by the Department of Family Centered Care at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. LPCH recognizes that partnership is the key to quality health care.
For Our Patients
We commit to care that:
- Creates a health care environment that is accessible, supportive and responsive to our patient’s developmental needs
- Facilitates partnerships between patients and health care providers
- Builds partnerships based on mutual respect and open communication
- Helps patients determine how to best participate in their own health care
- Seeks to understand the patient's perspective
- Protects patient privacy and confidentiality
For Our Families
We commit to care that:
- Honors the central role of families in their child’s life
- Builds on family strengths and acknowledges differences in family health care beliefs and approaches to caring for their child
- Is responsive to the different partnership preferences families bring to the health care experience
- Provides family access to clear and complete information to support involvement in shared decision making with the health care team
- Provides opportunities and resources to promote family competence to care for their child
- Seeks to understand the perspective of families
- Protects family privacy and confidentiality