Mental Health Technology Transfer Center National Coordinating Center
Our Goal
Closing the gaps in access to effective mental health services requires change at the state, system, and individual provider levels. Typical training and technical assistance activities, such as one-time trainings and workshops, are insufficient to change practice.
Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (H79SM081726) from August 2018 to September 2024, the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network consisted of 10 Regional Centers.
The MHTTC Network’s purpose was to strengthen the mental health workforce’s capacity to deliver effective mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery services to individuals across the 58 US states and territories.
Housed within CDI, the MHTTC National Coordinating Center provided leadership, infrastructure, and support nationwide, increasing its capacity to use dissemination and implementation (D&I) science to deploy effective implementation support strategies that lead to meaningful and sustainable changes in service delivery.
Our Work
The MHTTC Network services spanned mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery supports, and topics such as Assertive Community Treatment, Illness Management and Recovery, and other evidence-based practices; early psychosis; suicide screening and intervention; school mental health including school violence; and equitable, culturally responsive services. Annually, the MHTTC Network provided over 1,200 implementation support events ranging from basic webinars, skills training, and online courses, to intensive technical assistance such as learning collaboratives, to over 100,000 people. Our Products and Resources catalog contained over 4,000 products, including toolkits, fact sheets, and recorded trainings.
The MHTTC Network National Coordinating Center had 4 main activities:
- Assisted the MHTTC Network in using the most rigorous and state-of-the-art D&I science based training and implementation support strategies that lead to a more significant impact on implementation outcomes, including reach, adoption, implementation fidelity and sustainment.
- Developed strategic alliances for the Network among culturally diverse practitioners, researchers, policy makers, family members, and consumers of mental health services.
- Provided the Network with infrastructure supports (e.g., website platform, intranet, data collection process, online course site).
- Developed comprehensive curricula for school based mental health, including an educator-focused mental health literacy package, Classroom WISE.
For more information about accessing MHTTC resources after September 2024, visit our website:
Future Training and Technical Assistance Needs
Although the MHTTC Network has ended, SAMHSA supports other training and technical assistance centers that can support you, including on specific topics related to mental health. Please visit the Practitioner Training portion of SAMHSA’s website to identify the best center to assist you.
Starting in March 2025, the newly funded National Center on Mental Health Dissemination, Implementation, and Sustainment (MHDIS), led by the Stanford University team that housed the MHTTC Network Coordinating Office, will start providing training and technical assistance specifically on ‘the how’ or process of disseminating, implementing, and sustaining effective mental health services. If you are interested in learning about MHDIS, please complete this form to be added to their email list.
For questions about the MHTTC Network, please contact the former MHTTC Network Coordinating Office or Kimberly E. Reynolds, MPA, MEd, Public Health Advisor & Project Officer, Office of Technical Assistance & Coordination, Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA.