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3rd Biennial 22q11 Deletion Syndrome Virtual Symposium
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
The 3rd Biennial 22q11 Deletion Syndrome Virtual Symposium will bring together an interdisciplinary community of clinicians, basic scientists and translational investigators to highlight new research and emerging topics in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS), and aims to foster close interdisciplinary discourse. This scientific meeting will include the following sessions: Genetics, Genomics and Development, with an overall theme of understanding the mechanisms underlying clinical variability in 22q11.2DS. The virtual symposium will launch a regular seminar series featuring new research in 22q11.2DS throughout 2022 and beyond.
The symposium is a biennial meeting jointly sponsored by the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI) and Stanford Center for Definitive and Curative Medicine (CDCM).
Speakers include
• Dr Peter Scambler, University College London
• Dr Raquel Gur, University of Pennsylvania
• Dr Anthony-Samuel Lamantia, Virginia Tech
• Dr Rene Maehr, University of Massachusetts Medical School
• Dr Bernice Morrow, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
• Dr Joris Vermeesch, KU Leuven
• Dr Robert Kelly, Aix Marseilles University
• Dr Casey Gifford, Stanford University
• Dr Thomas Sudhof, Stanford University
More speakers to be announced! For more information about this event please visit MCHRI's event page.