Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
and Translation (CCNE-T)
Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging (UCLA) Environment
The Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging (CIMI) is an Organizational Research Unit (ORU) of the UCLA School of Medicine. CIMI was founded in 1989 as a multidisciplinary research Institute dedicated to the development and use of imaging technology to study molecular systems. The Institute is currently directed by Dr. Michael E. Phelps, and is co-directed by Dr. Anna Wu (CCNE-TR Project Leader 6) and was previously directed by Dr. Gambhir (CCNE-TR PI) before he moved from UCLA to Stanford.
The Institute has five key research areas focusing on: synthesis of radiolabeled and fluorescent probes for molecular imaging; development of in-vivo molecular imaging systems based on high-resolution positron emission tomography (PET); development of molecular imaging approaches for interrogating cellular events in living subjects; the use of PET imaging and in-situ hybridization to study brain development and plasticity in the rat; and development of imaging/therapeutic probes for cancer diagnosis/management. Other areas of active interest to the Institute are: 3-D image reconstruction in PET and CEM; studies of the cost-effectiveness of clinical nuclear medicine procedures; development of quantitative molecular imaging assays; the application of imaging technologies for high throughput phenotypic screening; the development of novel software tools and applications to support research and education connected to the mission of the Institute.
Funding for the Institute's research activities comes from a mix of Federal, Foundation and University sources, as well as through a number of collaborations with Industry. The Institute runs several state-of-the-art imaging facilities within its laboratories including confocal microscopy (Leica CLSM), digital autoradiography (Fuji BAS 5000), optical CCD (Xenogen) camera, microCT (Imtek) and two high resolution animal PET scanners (microPET).